


This week for Minis started by getting on a plane and traveling all the way to Washington and on Monday the group got familiar with American nature, culture, different traditions, and food. On Tuesday, Minis and Midis took their sledges and enjoyed sledding down the small snow hill in front of our yard, but also got the chance to play with the fluffy snow and enjoy the sunny weather. Later, Minis got to bake their own buns, shaping their dough in small balls, and developing their fine motor skills and hand eye coordination. On Wednesday, the group practiced their scissor and gluing skills by crafting a big native Indian Totem Pole that decorates our window during this week! On Thursday, Minis enjoyed a “sledding husky tour in Alaska”, developing their imagination and role play skills, playing the role of the passenger and the husky dog as well. On Friday, Minis, Midis and Maxis practiced their acting and performing skills by participating in a theatrical performance called “Kultakutri ja kolme karhua”. All kids’ performances were amazing and got a huge applause! Some of the kids preferred to be the crowd and enjoy the performance, clapping their hands for their friends, laughing with their jokes, and cheering them up! It has been another lovely week here in Pakila and looking forward for the next one where we are travelling to our final destination for this season’s culture theme!


Next week for Minis:


TUE          ARTS & CRAFTS

WED         PLAY DAY


FRI            BABY SPA DAY



Tällä viikolla matkustimme Amerikkaan, ja esittelyssä kuulimme mm. intiaaneista, maan nähtävyyksistä, suosituista urheilulajeista sekä ruuista. Yhdessä Maxien ja Viskareiden kanssa pidimme musiikkihetken, jolla kuulimme amerikkalaista musiikkia 50-luvulta lähtien aina tähän päivään saakka. Elvis sai monen tanssijalan vipattamaan ja tunnistipa joku kuulleensa viimeisimpiä hittejä radiostakin. Laskiaistiistaita vietimme pulkkaillen ja pullia tehden. Taikinaa oli hauska leipoa erilaisiin muotoihin, ja lopuksi pyöritellä palleroiksi pellille. Täytteet jokainen sai valita itse, ja hyvältä maistui! Keskiviikkona askartelimme unisieppareita. Harjoittelimme hienomotoriikkaa sekä silmän ja käden koordinaatiota pujottelemalla lankaa pienistä rei’istä ristiin rastiin, sekä pujottamalla helmiä sulanvarteen. Lopuksi koristelimme siepparit vielä vesiväreillä maalaten. Torstain retki peruuntui kovan pakkasen vuoksi, mutta omalla pihalla pärjättiin tovi tulkaa kotiin kaikki lapset-leikin parissa. Sisällä lapset innostuivat isompien Talent Show-lavasteista ja halusivat pitää omia esityksiä. Mahtavaa mielikuvitusta ja heittäytymistä nähtiin, kun jokainen sai vuorollaan esittää haluamiaan temppuja ja lauluja. Lopuksi teimme vielä peitoista, tyynyistä sekä patjoista jääkarhujen luolan ja lumisen vuoriston sohvalle, jolta laskettiin patjaliukumäkeä. Viikko huipentui koko talon teatterihetkeen, kun aikuiset esittivät näytelmän Kultakutri ja kolme karhua. Tämän jälkeen lapset innostuivat itsekin heittäytymään rooleihin ja näytelmä käytiin läpi vielä monta kertaa. Hienoja suorituksia ja uskallusta esiintyä yleisön edessä, raikuvat aplodit olivat ansaitut!

Midien ensi viikko:








This week, Maxis and Viskarit travelled to the United States of America on Monday, where all groups were introduced to the country’s traditions, culture, food, music, animals, and more. Besides, the kids could listen to some music from the last century and danced line-dance, where they could develop their coordination and gross motor skills. At the end, all the group coloured the USA flag working as a team. Tuesday was Laskiainen. The kids practiced waiting their turn and following the instructions, while baking. After that, all the kids took their sledges and went to the front yard to slide down the small snow hills. In the afternoon we had games together, like “Laiva on lastattu”, “lattia on laavaa”, etc. Children really like playing together different kind of games!  On the next day, the kids developed their social and play group skills. It was an excellent time to play as a team and develop their cooperative skills. The theme was Indians and Sheriff. There was one Sheriff who was trying to catch all the Indians. The groups had so much fun playing this game! American Talent Show was on Thursday. The kids had a great individual performance, with amazing talents such as making some acrobatics, funny faces, a magician show, representing a cat, and more. They have strengthened their self-confidence, lost their shame, and have been very brave in front of their friends. Friday was a day of full surprises. Outside we finally could start to make ice castle. Kids have been waiting nicely the water to freeze. We still have to make more ice blocks… Inside adults performed Goldilocks and the 3 bears story. Afterwards children could do the play as well. Oh we had so much fun! We are definitely do more acting with the kids!



The group practiced following instructions in English during all the activities. The first one consisted on colouring one picture following instructions. Some parts of the drawing had assigned different numbers, and these numbers were respectively related to some colours. The goal in this case was to stablish fast relations between colours and numbers. The second activity had a bit more difficulty, as it included counting and addition of objects. By doing this, we try to stablish a relation between numbers and real-life applications for them. Finally, the kids played UNO game, which is a perfect game to also stablish relations between colours and numbers, including important values such as waiting for the turn and respecting the rules.


Next week for Maxis and Viskarit:


TUE             TRIP TO FOREST (leaving at 9h)

WED            STORY DAY

THU             SCIENCE DAY

FRI               SPORTS DAY


Muuta huomioitavaa / Other informaion:

  • Pakila Ankkalampi-Duckies numbers:

MAXIT/VISKARIT/VASTAAVA 050 3046677, MIDIT 050 4724034, MINIT  050 4010706

  • email: pakila@ankkalampi-ankdammen.fi

Heli, Paula, Katja, Stella, Kairi & Angelyn