


Minien viikko alkoi tuttuun tapaan muskarilla ja leikillä. Pienryhmissä on harjoiteltu yhteen leikkiin keskittymistä ja pieneksi toviksi siihen sitoutumista. Aikuisen läsnäololla ja ohjauksella on iso merkitys minien leikkihetkissä. Marraskuun teemana on Muumit ja tällä viikolla olemmekin tutustuneet muumitalon asukkaisiin monipuolisesti mm. laulujen ja satujen avulla. Kädentaidoissa pienet taiteilijat pääsivät kokeilemaan vesivärimaalausta. Torstain valokuvaus päivä oli jännittävä ja taitava kuvaajamme sai taltioitua monia ihania hymyjä ja ilmeitä.


Midis started the week by playing board games like Alias and some memory games. While playing they also practiced how to wait their turn to play and how it feels to win or loose a game.

On Thursday Midis enjoyed a sunny trip among Maxis to Tervasaari. They enjoyed together a wonderful time playing and practicing their motor skills while climbing.On our way we talked about what things belong to nature and about the ones that don’t.

On Wednesday besides muskari Midis practiced guided drawing. During their morning circle we talked about what is and how to be a good friend.

On Thursday after the photo shoot Midis continued learning about the Alphabets.

We ended the week doing art and crafts for Father’s Day and having a fun open mic!


Maxis started the week doing arts and crafts for the upcoming Father’s Day.

On Tuesday they enjoyed a wonderful trip to Tervasaari which has a great park to practice motor skills. On our way we talked and learn about what things belong to nature and which ones  don’t. Maxis also started a positive education project, they are collecting stickers for doing nice things for their friend as well as telling them nice things and compliments.

On Wednesday Maxis had Muskari. They also practice how to tell compliments in English and they kept learning how to describe people. On Thursday ou photograph went well! We also had nice time playing board games, reading Harry Potter and practicing performing skills on morning circle. We ended our week with painting and Open Mic.





Ma / Mon 8.11 Muskari 9.30 / Leikkiä

Ti / Tue 9.11 Muumisadut (saa tuoda omia muumikirjoja)

Ke / Wed 10.11 Kädentaidot

To / Thu 11.11 Muumijooga

Pe / Fri 12.11 Isänpäivän juhlintaa klo 15.30 alkaen



Ma / Mon 8.11 Muumi project/ Arts & crafts

Ti / Tue 9.11 Retki, lähtö puistosta klo. 9.30

Ke / Wed 10.11 Muskari 9.30 & pienryhmätoimintaa

To / Thu 11.11 Gymnastics

Pe / Fri 12.11 Preparing Fathers day



Ma / Mon 8.11 Arts & Crafts

Ti / Tue 9.11 Retki, lähtö puistosta klo. 9.30

Ke / Wed 10.11 Muskari 10.15 & pienryhmätoimintaa

To / Thu 11.11 Viskari

Pe / Fri 12.11 Preparing Fathers day


Iloista viikonloppua kaikille!

Kruununhaan Ankkalammen aikuiset


Have a nice & sunny weekend!

The Staff of Kruununhaka Ankkalampi-Duckies