


This week we celebrated a Harvest Week so every day we did something special dedicated to this theme – harvest colorings and stories, harvest games and even harvest crafts! On Monday, the Midis had a music session and later on, we honored a Finnish Literature Day by reading some Finnish kids´ books. On Tuesday, we made a trip to Töölönlahti playground and spent a great time there playing with leaves and swinging. The Photo Day on Wednesday was smooth and fun, and Midis also had a chance to spend more time with the kids from other groups during the photoshoot. On Thursday, our duckies continued developing their creative and fine motor skills at the arts and crafts lesson when we were stamping leaves using potato printing technics. We also prepared the kids´ handprints to assemble a beautiful autumn bouquet – but with paper hands instead of leaves. Finally, Friday was super exciting as the Midis spent much time outside as well as playing with their own toys and socializing with each other. We are looking forward to seeing our duckies again!



Harvest Week is the inspiration of this week’s program. At Maxis, we made cute scarecrows, pretended to be one and moved like one during the arts and crafts time. In social skills session, they practiced considering and accepting others’ interests and preferences, and expressing their own through a guided social play. Our gym session was changed to walking trip to Oodi Library where we returned the books borrowed from the last visit, while siblings participated in the photoshoot. When it was our turn to ‘say cheese’ and wear those sweet smiles on our faces, the children were so excited and waited patiently. At the same time, they did a Harvest-themed colouring activity. They also watched and listened to an illustrated audiobook called “Fall Apples Crisp and Juicy”. This was followed by a lively discussion that led us to learning fruits and vegetables. At the end of the week, we had speaking practice during our Toy Day show and tell circle and learned basic shapes using different objects in the classroom in our English Club.



Olemme viettäneet sadonkorjuuviikkoa ja tutustuneet syksyn väreihin ja makuihin eri aistien ja tehtävien kautta. Viikko alkoi kädentaidoilla, kun saimme opiskelijamme Ninan johdolla tutustua taikataikinaan. Lapset halusivat tehdä taikataikinasta omat siilit, jotka koristelimme luonnonmateriaaleilla. Lisäksi teimme erilaisia harjoitteita luonnonmateriaaleilla, kuten kirjaimien kirjoittamista kepeillä ja kivillä laskemista. Tiistaina kävimme läpi säänmukaista pukeutumista ja luonnon valmistautumista talveen. Keskiviikkona keskustelimme sadonkorjuusta ja tutustuimme eri viljelykasvien talteenottoon. Torstaina oli valokuvauspäivä ja päiväkoti täyttyi ihanasta valokuvauskuhinasta. Perjantaina tutustuimme eri vihanneksiin, hedelmiin ja marjoihin. Saimme tutkia, tunnustella, haistella ja maistella niitä. Ensi viikko onkin syysloma viikko, jolloin ulkoillaan paljon ja leikitään mukavia leikkejä.




Mon/Ma: Our own music session – outside if the weather is good, leaving at 9:30 (starting at 10:20 if lesson inside)

Tue/Ti: Trip to Temppeliaukio Park – leaving at 09:30

Wed/Ke: Arts and Crafts: making flags of different countries (getting ready for the United Nations Day), Halloween craft

Thu/To: P.E. (sport games in PeikkoPark) – leaving at 09:30, Autumn Date in PeikkoPark in the afternoon

Fri/Pe: Toy Day. Free play. Interaction skills.



Mon/Ma: Arts & crafts – autumn lanterns using recycled glass jars, emotional skills session

Tue/Ti: Singing together in nature, fine motor skills practice

Wed/Ke: Physical Education outdoor – basics of football and dodge ball, negotiation skills practice

Thu/To: Trip to Oodi Climbing Park leaving at 9:30 from the daycare

Fri/Pe: Toy Day, show and tell, English Club – indoor exploration/shape hunting



Mon/Ma: Pitkä ulkoilu / long outdoor play

Tue/Ti: Pitkä ulkoilu / long outdoor play

Wed/Ke: Pitkä ulkoilu / long outdoor play

Thu/To: Pitkä ulkoilu / long outdoor play

Fri/Pe: Pitkä ulkoilu / long outdoor play


Ankkalampi-Duckies Töölön tiimi