

MIDIT: It is nice to see that little by little we are getting back to the normal routine! This week we have gotten more children and we were able to focus on our group needs and activities again. On Monday we have started our polar bear project where children have painted a nice background with cold watercolours to simulate a winter landscape. Next week they will make a polar bear and finish that project with an exciting collage! On Tuesday we enjoyed of having an active indoors circuit and our midis did practice their balance and body coordination, jumping skills (both with one foot and both feet together) and throwing abilities through a fun obstacle course. On Wednesday we went back to the weekly music sessions and children had learnt a new song and completed a little task together. The week has ended with exciting outdoor games related to the monthly topic (arctic life), “Karhu nukkuu” and also children suggested to play the “mirror” game together. It was so much fun, although a bit difficult to run around due to the icy ground! Finally on Friday we had a nice play dough session where midis tried to produce some arctic animals and they let their imagination go while making many other exciting creations!


MAXIT: It was great to see so many children back this week in the kindergarten. They all were super excited to be here and see their friend again.

On Monday the children discovered an enhanced learning environment as I introduced the interactive weather chart and weekly timetable during the circle time. The displays will be used on a daily basis so that the children can develop their English oracy skills using simple sentences to introduce the weather and the daily activities. On Monday we also practiced some sewing skills and had to sew around the edge of a cardboard polar bear. It will be decorated and used to create a calendar to take home at the end of the month. In the afternoon the children used playdough to create words and symbols related to the weather.

This week it was a short walking trip to the adventure park near the beach as surfaces were quite slippery. The children enjoyed the physical challenges that the park offered. In the afternoon the children continued learning vocabulary related to the weather using hama beads to create the words and the symbols.

Wednesday saw the return of the music lesson and as we also continued with learning about the Polar and Artic animals. We introduced what a simple food chains is so that the children understands what animals need to survive. We learned that all species on the planet needs plants to survive and without plants there would be no life on earth. In the afternoon the children continued with the hama beads activity.

On Thursday the Preschool had their Finnish lesson where they focused on the letter ‘E’and ‘T’ and the numeracy skills was to further develop their understanding of more and less as a consequence od adding and subtracting. The viskari children were given a variety of Polar and Artic pictures and had to try to match them to the correct words. In the afternoon the children used watercolour paints to paint words and symbols related to the weather.

On Friday the Preschool children focused on the letter ‘T’ in English, the Letter ‘E’ will be introduced on Monday next week. The Viskari had their numeracy lesson whereby they had to match a number with the correct number of squares and the written number in letters.

In the afternoon the children had free play.


Ensi viikolla:


MON 31.01. Outdoor games + free play (minis transition)

TUE 01.02. Role play area (minis transition)

WED 02.02. Music session

THU 03.02. Arts & craft (polar bear project, part 2)

FRI 04.02. Construction games (minis transition)



MON 31.01. Craft – Finish polar bear Calendar

TUE 01.02. Walking Trip with Sledding

WED 02.02. Music and Science

THU 03.02. Preschool Finish and Viskari English Literacy

FRI 04.02. Preschool English Linguistics and numeracy and  Viskari English numeracy



Kiitos kuluneesta viikosta!

Marta, Veera, Rolando, Trystan ja Titti

MIDIT: 050 401 9229

MAXIT: 050 523 9066
