

Minis last week:

Our Minis spent a lovely week at day care. They kept bonding and played together so well by the end of the week. Our own music class was a success and they got to use different instruments according to their wishes and skills. All Minis enjoyed our first trip in a nearby playground! On Friday we read the book ’Leijona, joka ei uskaltanut karjua’, (the lion who could not roar), which teaches about learning new skills and becoming a master after some practice. The children really liked the story! We had a great week behind and looking forward for the new one!

Minis next week:

16.8 Monday: Toiveleikkejä / Play Day 

17.8 Tuesday: Sormivärimaalausta edellisen viikon sadun teemassa / Finger painting related to our story last week

18.8 Wednesday: Oma musiikkituokio / Own music class

19.8 Thursday: Retkipäivä / Trip Day

20.8 Friday: Satuhetki / Story time

Midi-Maxis last week:

Bumblebees, butterflies, ice cream, cottage, the beach… That’s what summer must be made off according to the Midi-Maxis. On Monday we learned about the different seasons in both languages by looking at pictures and singing songs. We took a closer look at summer of course. Every child got the chance to share their stories about their vacation this summer. On Tuesday they all made a drawing about their summer adventures. We also practiced scissor skills, which went very well. Wednesday we had our own ’Summer’ music session with both English and Finnish songs. Thursday was a trip to our favorite park ” turtle park”. On Friday we did P.E. There was an obstacle parkour as well as ” hyvää päivää peikko” game. We also practiced throwing and catching a ball, which all children were very good at!

Some activities are done as a whole group, like free play, outdoor time and trips. Other activities being arts and crafts, P.E., Muskari and Viskari session are done according to their age group. This is to assure that each child gets age- and level appropriate activities to do.

Midi-Maxis next week:

16/08 Monday: Opening of the theme ” Me and my family ”

17/08 Tuesday: Arts and crafts ” portrait of my family”

18/08 Wednesday: Muskari + Viskari

19/08 Thursday: Trip to a park of children’s choice

20/08 Friday: Feelings and emotions