


The week started with a beautiful Monday so the Minis had a spontaneous walking trip to the bridge over the highway. From there we could spot all kinds of vehicles and practice their names and colours. The Minis really wanted to see a police car or a fire truck but unfortunately there were none. Let`s hope next time! On our way back to the daycare we stopped to sing different songs about cars. On Tuesday, we had play day and the Minis enjoyed the sunshine outside blowing huge soap bubbles and trying to catch them. Each Mini had the chance to blow through the ring and practiced to wait for their turns. Well done Minis! As the weather turned quite warm we discovered that our plants have to be watered and the Minis eagerly helped to do it. They even sang some songs to them to show how much they care. In the afternoon, one Mini was caught singing again to the peas! So cute! Before lunch we had some story time in English and tried to find Spot, the little dog who had disappeared just before his dinner time (”Where`s Spot?”).  On Wednesday, we visited a playgroung in our neighbourhood and the Minis were very excited to go on a trip again. Everyone had a snack and some water to drink as the weather turned quite hot. The Minis had so much fun in the swings, climbing on the small slide and polishing their skills on the big one. We also met a little boy and his dog. He kindly lent us his sandbox toys and the Minis played with them nicely. The small dog was so cute that some Minis really wanted to pet it but learnt that we always need permission from the owner. So the children just kept saying ”Hei hei!” and waved at it from the distance. On Thursday morning, the Maxis and Eskaris left for a trip and the Minis had the opportunity to play in their area with their friends `toys. Some Minis played with the big cars while others had some exercise with the hula hoops and colourful balls. Later we all went outside and enjoyed some arts&crafts session in our yard painting by dandelions. It was so much fun using a flower instead of brushes! The Minis were so fascinated by creating a picture in an unusual way. On Friday, we spent some lovely time outside reading a charming story in English about friendship, differences … and a little pig in the frog pond! (”Ribbit!”) It was a great week Minis! See you on Monkey Monday!


Next week for Minis:








Maanantaina takapihalla kokeilimme ensin hernepusseilla erilaisia tasapainoharjoituksia. Jokainen otti kiintopisteen kauempaa ja kokeilimme esimerkiksi nostaa polvea ja pysyä pystyssä hernepussi pään päällä. Sitten leikimme munanrikkomisleikkiä. Keilat olivat munia ja aikuinen yritti vartioida niitä. Lapset palloilla rikkoivat munia (kaatamalla keilan). Olipas hauskaa! Tämän jälkeen tarkkuusheittoa palloilla, pesänryöstöleikkiä sekä leikkivarjolla erilaisia tehtäviä. Maxit ovat aina innolla kaikessa mukana ja ohjeitakin kuunnellaan hyvin. Tiistaina kävimme Etupellossa Itä-Pakilapäivää viettämässä erilaisten esitysten merkeissä. Oli laulu- ja tanssiesityksiä ja mikäs niitä kuunnellessa ja katsoessa oli olla ja nauttia samalla kesäisestä päivästä. Iltapäivällä askartelimme ampiaisia sekä sudenkorentoja, näin saimme taas vähän hienomotorisia taitojakin harjaannutettua. Keskiviikkona laululeikit raikasivat lepohuoneessamme. Musiikin tahdissa on kiva tehdä kaikenlaista ja kuten aiemmin laitoinkin, Maxit innostuvat kyllä kaikesta, tosi kivaa! Musiikkituokion jälkeen menimme takapihalle leikkimään. Siellä kiipeiltiin, keinuttiin, juostiin, leikittiin hippaa ja piilosta. Porukka jossain kohtaa jakaantui kahtia: toinen porukka jatkoi hippaleikkejä ja toinen porukka leikki joulubussia. Bussiin tuli aina kiire, sinne juoksi milloin ketäkin: oli ihmisiä ja koiria. 😊 Olipas hauskaa havainnoida lasten tekemisiä. Mielikuvituksen puutetta ei tältä porukalta ainakaan puutu! Torstaina oli kauan odottamamme Korkeasaari retki. Ja nyt heti alkuun täytyy Maxeja kehua: Kaikki kävelivät upeasti, kukaan ei valittanut mistään ja kaikki kuuntelivat ohjeet ja toimivat niiden mukaan. Oli todella hauskaa etsiä jokaisen eläin ja hyvinhän me ne löydettiinkin vain muutama eläin oli joko piilossa tai sitten niiden elinympäristöä kunnostettiin. Eväät maistuivat hyviltä ja meillä oli hauskaa! melkein 10km tuli käveltyä ja kyllä kaikkia vähän väsyttikin, kun pääsimme päiväkodille. Onneksi patjat oli  jo levitetty lattialle meitä varten, lepo teki hyvää. Iltapäivällä saimme ulkona kunnon vesisateen ja kyllähän meitä nauratti ja olimme samalla huojentuneita, ettei meidän retkeämme vesisade pilannut! Perjantaina leikimme erilaisia leikkejä, lääkärileikki on nyt noussut todella suureen suosioon. Kun aikuinen menee leikkiin mukaan, yleensä hoidetaan mitä hassumpia juttuja. Lepohuoneeseen tehdään monesti oma temppurata tai sirkusesitys. Myös eläinleikki, plusplus-palat ja autoleikki ovat lasten mieleen.  Meillä on ollut todella hauska ja kiva viikko! 😊 Tästä sitten hauskuudella ensi viikkoon😊


Next week for Maxis and Viskari:








The week started by going to the backyard to have some group games. The games were new for the kids, so they were involved following the new rules. The games encouraged teamwork, cooperativeness, communication skills, and conflict resolution skills. On the next day, the children enjoyed Itä-Pakila Day. The children went to Etupelto Park to participate in a day event, where there were children performing music, singing, and dancing. They had a good morning and enjoyed all the shows. The rest of the day, the children had free play time and started to think some ideas on how to do the upcoming spring party. On Wednesday, the children came up with some interesting proposals for the spring party. All ideas were listened to and we had a small meeting to plan how it could be done. The ideas are good and now it’s time to practice! Besides, the Preschool children had a Maths session. The activities consisted of doing numerical operations of addition and subtraction. At first, they did them with one number, but they saw that they were good at it and wanted to ”move up to the next level”, so they did. The following exercises had two-number operations. They also had another exercise where mental calculation and numerical retention were encouraged. What a great job! Meanwhile, Viskari practiced numbers in ascending and descending order. On Thursday, together with Maxis group, the children enjoyed a different morning, as they went to Korkeasaari. Once there, they walked around the island from side to side, enjoying the different animals, seeing how they interact with each other, and in what environment they live, among other things. The aim was also to see in first person the animals from which they had previously done the technical file at home. At midmorning, they enjoyed a snack before continuing the visit. On the last day of the week, they had free play and the playboard was a fantastic tool to promote it, where the children can choose what to play and with whom. The kids are encouraged to change routines, making them try new games with different children. Also, during the day, Star Wars was discussed, with each child talking about the object/game/drawing they brought in. During the week, the Preschool children started to practice different practical skills for their daily life. For example, they started to learn how to tie shoelaces and how to peel and cut fruit. It has been a busy, but wonderful week! 😊


Next week for Mestari-Ankat:

MON        LEIKKITREFFIT (leaving at 8.45h)






Muuta huomioitavaa / Other information:

  • Pakila Ankkalampi-Duckies numbers:

MINIT/ VASTAAVA 050 3046677, MAXIT 050 4724034, ESKARIT  050 4010706

Heli, Katja, Aniko, Paula ja Nasra