


This week, the Captains had a wonderful and lovely time at Ankkalampi! On Monday, we started by immersing ourselves into a story about mama bear and her little baby. The story taught us how we can always count on the help, love, and support of the oldest ones, even in the most difficult days of our life. We discovered what does it mean to love and care unconditionally. We really enjoyed every word of the book! Spring is approaching and we can already feel all its energy in our small but brave bodies! On Tuesday, we were able to express ourselves through music in our muskari class. We noticed how the sound of the drum tickled our bellies while the different melodies made us sing with great happiness. We love dance and music; it helps us communicate in a very special way. On Wednesday we were able to stretch our bodies by climbing on our school gym walls. We are already much better in psychomotor skills and our teachers are happy to witness our daily progress. Thursday was a very special day because we went on a small trip until the stairs of Helsingin Tuomiokirkko. We held hands between peers and teachers and opened our eyes wide open to observe every detail of the city. It was magical to walk under the shining snow of Helsinki.  We are improving on our coordination walk and better understanding of the teacher’s instructions! Friday has been a day of celebration with the open mic! We celebrate everyday of the week that we have been able to share with our friends and teachers learning new and important things, and we did it in the way we know the best: singing and dancing!


Kipparien viikko alkoi aurinkoisella retkellä Tuomiokirkon rappusille. Kipparit nauttivat juoksu- hyppy ja kiipeilyleikeistä auringon paisteessa ja nähtiinpä retkellä myös paloauto viilettämässä kirkon ohi sireenit soiden! Kipparien tiistain etä-muskari toteutettiin nyt kahdessa pienryhmässä ja sen myötä lapsilla oli selkeästi mukavampi keskittyä maatila teemaisiin lauleikkeihin. Harjoittelimme myös kuuntelemaan tarkasti Sarin antamia ohjeita, joissa yhdistyivät numerot ja kehonosat, esimerkiksi “Laita lattiaan kaksi kättä ja yksi jalka”. Kulttuurikeskiviikkona jatkoimme Australiaan tutustumista. Kuuntelimme Didgeridoo musiikkia ja aloitimme askartelemaan myös omat soittimet! Torstaina vuorossa oli temppurata, jossa oli tuttuja tasapaino, hyppy, ryömimis ja kuperkeikka harjoituksia. Tällä viikolla harjoittelimme myös kierimistä sekä yhdellä jalalla hyppelyä. Liikuntahetken päätteeksi oli Kipparien mielestä ihana kuulla missä taidossa oli erityisesti tällä kerralla onnistunut sekä rentoutua musiikkia kuunnellen. Viikon päätteeksi harjoittelimme kirjaimia muovailuvahan avulla! Kippareista oli hauskaa muovailla oman nimen alkukirjaimia muovailuvahasta. Perjantaina ohjelmassa oli myös rentouttavaa eläinjoogaa, kaveri- ja tunnetaidoista keskustelua sekä iltapäivällä Open Mic.


After gently cuddling the unique-looking and absolutely adorable animals native to Australia, the nature-loving Sailors set the full sail to the neighbouring country New Zealand only about 1500 Kilometres away to explore another incredible nature and its very special looking residents. Together we viewed many breathtaking photos and the guild book of a 3-week road trip of a Sailor’s family before the Sailor turned 1 year old through the beautiful and very remote country so far away from the rest of the world! Many of us still wondered how the Frank Josef Glacier could exist in a rainforest, why there are huge flocks of sheep and cows idling on the road, how many volcanoes, hot springs, high mountains, gigantic rocks by the seaside and beautiful lakes there are everywhere! With the souvenirs of another Sailor’s family, together we did quite a bit of research on Wikipedia finding out what the plushie toy really is. It turned out to be the fluffy cute Possum (Kettukusu) and we love it so much! With the help of the contents for our Passport, we got to know several cuddly birds both flightless like Kakapo and the National Symbol Kiwi and flyable like Tui and Kea, as well as special plants vastly growing in their natural habitats like the National Flower Kōwhai the National Plant Silver Fern that can also be seen on the jersey of the All Blacks the National Team of Rugby as the National Sport. Each of us made good use of light and dark green-coloured cardboard paper to imitate the effect of the texture of Harakeke (Flax) leaves and created own Fantail bird. Certainly you have noticed that many New Zealand native animals and plants have their unique Māori names, and surely we embraced Māori culture and language that have been more and more appreciated worldwide. Besides the rugby game we played again in the same friendly but more strategic way this week, we also enjoyed the happy mess while playing the Māori game “Poi Rakau” passing own hockey stick to the neighbour on the left or right according to the instructions. By reading our big book about everything, we not only got familiar with Māori traditional cuisine, clothing, arts, singing and dancing but also other cultures representing New Zealand. For example, we also learnt that there was a big earthquake in 2011 that caused a big damage to ChristChurch Cathedral that is still under reconstruction. Luckily the Cardboard Cathedral was built nearby to serve the community temporarily. As always, we are very curious, intelligent and hardworking. Each of us cut many national flags and glued them on the right cover pages of different colours representing different continents for our Passport. Next week, we will visit Papua New Guinea and other Islands on the Pacific Ocean to continue celebrating the diverse cultures of the native people and appreciating the amazing nature. For sure we didn’t forget the important International Women’s Day on which we drew beautiful pictures and sent warm gratitude to female members of our families.


 Kapteenit / Captains

Ma / Mon 15.3. Satuhetki/Storytime.

Ti / Tue 16.3. Muskari (klo 9.45) ja pienryhmätoimintaa / Muskari (at 9.45) and small group activities.

Ke / Wed 17.3. Jumppa/Gymnastics.

To / Thu 18.3. Retki lähiympäristöön, lähtö puistosta klo. 9.30/ Field trip. We leave form park at 9:30.

Pe / Fri 19.3. Open Mic!

Kipparit / Skippers

Ma / Mon 15.3. Field trip. We leave at 9.30

Ti / Tue 16.3. Muskari

Ke / Wed 17.3. Culture Wednesday: Australia

To / Thu 18.3. Circuit course

Pe / Fri 19.3. Emotion & friendship skills

Seilorit / The Sailors

Ma / Mon 15.3. Arts & Crafts.

Ti / Tue 16.3. Muskari 9:00-9:45am and Gymnastics.

Ke / Wed 17.3. Walking trip leaving at 9:30 am from the Park.

To / Thu 18.3. Exploring the World: Papua New Guinea & other Pacific Islands

Pe / Fri 19.3. Minna Canth Day and Project Work: Animals & Outer Space.