

Ending the month of April, the Minis have been able to learn and recognize about spring, such as the flowers beginning to bloom , the sound of the birds, even they have been able to see worms in the grass. Starting the week with music classes. Art and craft the Mini ducks they are preparing a surprise present that they are excited to show soon. Also they have been able to blow some balloon with help of our teacher; Next step dipped the balloons in different painting colors  to leave traces on a blank paper and later draw the rope that holds the balloon. With this project the Mini ducks could feel some sensors sensitive as feel, sight, smell, taste…Vapunpäivänä they have brought some funny hats even a really cute outfit that they could show and have fun with their friends. In afternoon ,they enjoyed some outdoor activities as face painting , Guess game even a  photoshoot. What happened when?… It’s our new science project subject when the Mini ducks they will learn different  safe materials and what happened when you mix them. This week we have brought the machine that inflate the balloons and the duckies they have seen how the air of the machine ( nitrogen + oxigen  O2 ) make them grow , even we experiment what happened when we deflate the balloon with a needle ( in a gentle way) Super fun!

Tällä viikolla aloitimme uuden päiväkotiviikon midien kanssa kädentaidoilla. Viikko jatkui tiistaina retkellä, jolloin suuntasimme Kaisaniemen leikkipuistoon. Puolessa välissä viikkoa meillä oli tuttuun tapaan muskari. Vappuviikko toi myös juhlatunnelmaa päiväkotiin, joten mideillä ja maxeilla olikin yhteinen aamupäivän disco torstaina. Hyvä musiikki ja ilmapallot toivatkin paljon riemua ja naurua juhlahetkeen. Tottakai vappuun kuuluu myös munkit ja sima, joten iltapäivällä pidimme vielä midien kanssa siman maistajaiset ja herkutteluhetken. Viikko päätettiin tutustumalla mikä juhla vappu oikein on ja mitä kaikkea siihen kuuluu. Midit osasivatkin hienosti kertoa, että ilmapallot, herkut ja ystävät kuuluvat vappuun. Hyvää vappua kaikille!

We began our last week of April with arts and crafts – there are many days of celebration coming up in the Spring and we have a lot to do! On Tuesday it seemed that the winter had come back, but we still had a great time on our trip to Kaisaniemen puisto. The botanical garden did not have any flowers out yet, but we found a fun playground with a big slide! We also played “Neiti Susi” in the park and everyone got to run and scream to their hearts content! On Wednesday we had Muskari as usual and in the afternoon we continued preparing for the upcoming Vappu party by exercising our scissor skills and planning fun activities for the party. On Thursday it was time to celebrate Vappu together. The Maxis got to visit the Minis disco, and after we had our own disco with the Midis! Everyone was dancing and playing with balloons and wearing funny hats  -we  all had a ball! In the afternoon the parents got to join in the fun outdoors – along with face painting and a scavenger hunt. On Friday we caught up to our Viskari exercises and practiced recognizing letters and drawing shapes.



Mon. 2.5 Muskari & Leikkiä

Tue. 3.5 Satutuokio

Wed. 4.5 Retki. Lähtö klo 9.30 puistosta

Tue. 5.5 Äitienpäivä aamiainen

Fri. 6.5 Mitä tapahtuu kun…?



Mon. 2.5 Musiikkihetki

Tue. 3.5 Retki. Lähtö klo 9.30 puistosta

Wed. 4.5 Muskari

Tue. 5.5 Äitienpäivä aamiainen

Fri. 6.5 Ulkopelejä



Mon. 2.5 Musiikkihetki

Tue. 3.5 Retkipäivä, lähtö klo 9.30 puistosta

Wed. 4.5 Muskari

Thu. 5.5 Viskari

Fri. 6.5 Ulkopelejä


Iloista viikonloppua kaikille!

Kruununhaan Ankkalammen aikuiset


Have a nice weekend!

The Staff of Kruununhaka Ankkalampi-Duckies