


Hola! This week Minis travelled to Argentina and on Monday we had a small orientation about the country’s culture and nature, but also had the chance to interview the famous Argentinian football player, Messi! On Tuesday, the group developed their fine motor and scissor skills by cutting yarn and gluing it on colorful llama shaped paper. Children crafted lovely llamas in different colors that decorated our window this week. On Wednesday, Minis practiced their baking, measuring and hand eye coordination skills by baking traditional Argentinian coconut snacks, where they got to measure the ingredients, mix them all together in a big bowl and then shape them with a spoon on a baking tray. We also got to try the snacks in the afternoon, and they were delicious! Children also got to develop their gross motor and balance skills by practicing Argentinian tango moves. On Thursday the group enjoyed sledding on small snow hills and swimming in deep fluffy snow in Patagonia. Minis later crafted winter hats, using wool yarn pieces that they cut themselves, glue, paper and pom poms. On Friday, children practiced their physical skills, balance and coordination by practicing basic football moves, learning to keep the ball between their legs and kicking the ball to each other. During the Morning Circle this week, we focused on the winter theme, learned vocabulary about emotions, how to talk about our own self, but also identifying our body parts in English. This week has been lovely and looking forward for the next one!


Next week for Minis:








Tällä viikolla matkustimme Argentiinan auringon alle. Olemme tutustuneet maahan katsellen videonpätkiä mm. jalkapalloilija Lionel Messin taituruudesta, hauskoista laamoista sekä tangomusiikista ja -tanssista. Keskiviikkona pelasimme jalkapalloa lasten innostuttua sekä ulkona että sisällä. Harjoittelimme pallonkäsittelytaitoja syöttelemällä kaverille ja teimme patjoista maalin, jota kohti jokainen sai vuorollaan potkaista. Midit kannustivat toisiaan upeasti ja maalintekoon kuului tietysti myös kunnon tuuletukset, joita jokainen esitteli innolla; kädet kohti kattoa, riemuhuudot ja läpyt sekä halit joukkuekavereille. Torstaina tuiskutti taas lisää lunta, joten nappasimme liukurit mukaan ja kiipesimme päiväkodin edustalla olevalle lumikasalle mäenlaskuun. Loppuviikosta askartelimme laamoja. Jokainen sai vuorollaan harjoitella saksityöskentelyä oman taitotasonsa mukaan leikkaamalla laamalle korvat, hännän, jalat sekä villalanganpätkiä turkiksi. Perjantaina pihalla harjoiteltiin lumipallojen tekoa, ja teimmekin yhteisvoimin pihalle lumiukon, jolle saatiin oikea porkkananenäkin paikoilleen. Midit ovat leikkineet tällä viikolla paljon yhtenä ryhmänä, ja yhteisleikeissä olemme harjoitelleet kaveri- ja vuorovaikutustaitoja yhdessä aikuisen tuella.


Midien ensi viikko:








Hola! This week, the kids have travelled to Argentina, where, as an introduction, they had a small orientation about the country’s culture, and they also listened the national anthem. After that, the kids could create their own story using different characters, places, and actions. It was interesting to see how the kids felt completely free to imagine whatever they wanted, using their best skills. During the afternoon, they were crafting the Argentina flag. On Tuesday, Maxis and Viskarit crafted and decorated some llama finger puppets. The activity involved different abilities, such as cutting with the scissors and gluing. Working these combined fine motor skills, help the kids to develop them in a more challenging way. At the end of the day, it was time for Muskari, where the kids could develop their musical skills. On Wednesday, the kids could enjoy an spontaneous trip to Spelttipuisto. It was completely different from the last time, since now the park is full of snow. The kids had a good time playing with the snow in a different environment, while interacting with nature. When they came back to the daycare, it was a moment to develop their social skills and keep the shyness away for Tango. Tango is a typical dance from Argentina, where the most important thing is listening to the music and follow the rhythm, and that’s exactly what the kids did! First, they were taught the basic movements and then, they let their rhythm flow. On Thursday, it was Science Day. The kids could see how the snow melt into a jar, which was not as nice looking as the kids expected it to be. Then, they could be artists painting the snow with watercolors. The end of the week was Kids Table Theater. Using the llamas that they had been doing, in groups, they created their own short story and they represented it to the rest of the kids. They were playing with their llama finger puppets, put their fingers into the holes at the bottom of the puppet, move their fingers around and let their llama run, dance, and jump around. During the afternoons, Maxis started using the tablet to practice and recognize letters and numbers. It was a good week! Gracias.



Tällä viikolla olemme ahkeroineet Piki Salamasankarin kanssa. Yhdellä tuokiolla aluksi keskustelimme ja mietimme yhdessä saako kaverista sanoa ilkeitä asioita, millaisista asioista tulee riitaa, saako kaveria määräillä, mitä on kateus ja miltä se tuntuu. Viskareilla oli paljon sanottavaa kaikkeen. Teimme lasten kanssa hyvän kaverin passin, jonne kerätään merkkejä, leimoja, tms. Kun joku käyttäytyy reilusti ja huomaavaisesti kaveria kohtaan, saa passiin leiman/tarran. Toisella tuokiolla kävimme läpi sitä, jos ei pääsekään mukaan johonkin, miltä se tuntuu, missä tilanteissa pitää puolustaa kaveria, yms. Teimme myös tehtävän, jossa opettaja kuvaili erilaisia ristiriitatilanteita lasten tuli ilmaista mielipiteensä peukuttamalla ylöspäin tai alaspäin.

Viskarit group followed the instructions of the activities in English. It consists in listening the instructions and directions to draw or color different objects, for example: draw a snowflake next to the moon. It was a good activity, and they will continue practicing on it.


Next week for Maxis and Viskarit:




THU           AMAZONAS TRIP (leaving at 9.30h)

FRI             CAPOEIRA


Muuta huomioitavaa / Other information:

  • Pakila Ankkalampi-Duckies numbers:

MAXIT/VISKARIT/VASTAAVA 050 3046677, MIDIT 050 4724034, MINIT  050 4010706

  • email: pakila@ankkalampi-ankdammen.fi

Heli, Paula, Katja, Stella, Kairi & Angelyn