

Minit / Minis

Maanantaina pyörittelimme omat laskiaispullat, jotka nautimme välipalalla. Tiistaina ohjelmassa oli ulkoleikit. Lapset rakensivat lumikakkuja, kolasivat pihaa ja nauttivat leudosta talvisäästä. Keskellä viikkoa oli tuttuun tapaan muskarin aika. Muskarissa lauleltiin talvisia lauluja, mm. Rati riti rallaa ja Lumiukot marssivat. Torstaina liikuimme musiikin tahdissa. Lapset harjoittelivat musiikkiliikunnan ohella kehonosia ja tasapainoilua. Perjantaina oli vuorossa ulkoleikkejä ja vapaata leikkiä. Minit valitsivat kotileikin, jossa he hoivasivat nukkeja ja valmistivat heille kalakeittoa.

Minien suunnitelmat ensi viikolle / Minis’ plan for next week:

Ma/Mon: Vapaata leikkiä / Free play

Ti/Tue: Muovailua / Play dough

Ke/Wed: Musiikki tuokio / Music

To/Thu: Temppurata / Obstacle course

Pe/Fri: Satutuokio / Story time


Maxit / Maxis

The middle of February has already come and with that also a traditional Finnish celebration, the “laskiaistiistai”. That is the reason why the weekly activities have been a bit different than usually. The week has started with a pullas baking session, each kid baked his / her own cinnamon bun & we enjoyed them during snack time. On Tuesday we had a nice trip to a daycare´s close park and we practiced our sliding skills on this traditional day. Also, we celebrated a child´s 6th years old party & we were able to eat delicious treats together, sing the “happy birthday” song and have a party mood the whole afternoon. On Wednesday we had our regular music session where our duckies had fun making snowmen each other’s and singing winter songs about snow.  The weather that day was quite cold, so instead of having outdoor games we got coloring books about vegetables and other food to color. On Thursday we had the weekly viskari session where five years old had a Moomin story cubes game, so they had to create a group story with the cube’s pictures. This time we had practiced our English skills & the duckies did a big effort trying to come up with English words and also translating from the Finnish language. Meanwhile four years old had a variety of board games together where they practiced turns and teamwork. The week has finished with a calm dynamic. In small groups children got a bit of time to play different kind of board games, such as following camels’ sequences by size and color, animals domino & puzzles. They practiced their sense of logic, observation & memory skills. And now… more than ready for the weekend!

Maxien suunnitelmat ensi viikolle / Maxis’ plan for next week:

Ma/Mon: Ulkoleikit / Outdoor play

Ti/Tue: Viskari

Ke/Wed: Teemme esityksiä: “Talent show”

To/Thu: Satuhetki / Story time

Pe/Fri: Kalevalan päivä / Kalevala day



Titti, Marta, Maija ja Nasra