Viikkokirje 48
What a cold week that was! Minis had a play day on Monday and did a little bit of painting on the side to make their own Finnish flags in celebration for the upcoming Independence Day. We had arts and crafts on Tuesday and painted our own Christmas balls! They turned out cute with our Minis’ face on the cover while wearing Santa’s hat. It is now up and hanging on our corridor if you would like to check it out. We went for a trip the next day to a nearby park. It was a tiiiiiiiiny bit shorter than usual since the weather was really cold. Nonetheless, our Minis enjoyed that trip and didn’t even feel like going back to the daycare. 🙂 We had an Independence Day celebration on Thursday- we had our presidential pair, we danced in pairs and then had a short disco after that. Our minis were dressed up for the occasion! Oh how lovely they looked! We then had Paula to lead us to sing the Finland’s national anthem and the Finlandia hymn, it was a different experience but a nice one for sure! We ended our week still focusing on how to jump on both feet. We had a few obstacle course and ended our morning activity coloring our own Christmas trees! We had a week full of activities and it’s time for our Minis to have a relaxing weekend and so are you. 🙂 Stay warm and see you again monkey Monday!
Ma/Mon 06 12. Closed/ Suljettu
Ti/Tue 07.12. Muskari
Ke/Wed 08.12. Christmas story
To/Thu 09.12. Muskari
Pe/Fri 10.12. Arts and crafts
The weekly schedule was all different this first week of December. We started off with arts and crafts where every one painted their very own snowman. They could personalize them with either falling snow, stars or moon. You can find the results at the entrance wall. Tuesday was time to read together and this time we chose a book about kindness. We talked what kindness is and how can we do little acts of kindness every day. On Wednesday children had free play time both indoors and outdoors. Free play is so important for child’s social skills development as well as using that power of imagination. Thursday was an important day for all the maxis and minis. We celebrated Finland’s Independence Day with a formal handshaking ceremony. Our presidential couple (elected democratically the day before by voting) was there to accept all the warm wishes. Right after that followed a dance ball where every big and small couples slowly danced to royal music. A great afterparty ensued with disco and more dancing fun. Later on in Muskari we sang the National anthem and other folk songs. Oh what a day it was! On Friday we went on a trip to Helsinki city museum where we were taken back in time about 300 years. The guided tour was a great success, the children listened with interest and had lots of fun dressing up, playing market and doll theater. Join us next week for more wintry fun!
Ma/Mon 06.12. – Daycare is closed
Ti/Tue 07.12 Muskari
Ke/Wed 08.12 Arts and crafts
To/Thu 09.12. Muskari
Pe/Fri 10.12. Satuhetki/Viskari
Viikko-ohjelma voi muuttua tarvittaessa. Weekly schedule can change if needed.
Terveisin / Greetings, Kulosaaren Ankkatiimi- Duckies Team, Puh./Phone: 050- 566 8049
Oy Ankkalampi – Ankdammen Ab – kaupungin parasta varhaiskasvatusta & päivähoitoa