The Viskarit and Mestarit class have enjoyed another fun week! We started the week with a creative movement physical education class, with the children enjoying instructing their class mates in creating their own gymnastic and yoga type moves. We also have enjoyed creating a few musical shows this week, with children dancing, singing, drumming and air-guitaring along to their favourite songs with the rest of the class watching and applauding. This week we also recognised Children’s Right week by having classes talking about children’s rights and what rights the children have here in Finland. We discussed how fortunate we are and also spoke about emotions this week and what children should do if they ever feel sad or afraid. We also enjoyed our trip walking through the city centre to see the Topelius monument and then visited the play-area in front of the French language school. We have also continued reading some traditional fairy tales this week. Next week we have planned to begin practicing singing our Christmas songs, we have a trip to the harbour Children’s City and also a movie day! We wish you all a nice weekend.
What a fun week! For the recognition of Children’s Rights Week, we gathered ideas from the children regarding this topic and these are their thoughts: “Saa päättää mitkä vaatteet, mitä leikkii, kenen kans leikkii, mitä piirtää, saa ajaa pyörällä, leikkiä ulkona ja mennä uimahalliin”. They also participated in small group music painting where the children were encouraged to relax and feel free to express their thoughts and feelings through painting. The children have also started the volcano papier mache activity that made everyone excited to see the volcanic eruption experiment with vinegar and baking soda as the highlight of the project next week. To practice body control and balance on different surfaces, we have done an obstacle course activity which was enjoyed by the children. Next week we will have an Upside-down Day on Wednesday 24.11, which means that we will do the opposite of everything during the day starting with going to the daycare with our clothes inside out. Also, the children are welcome to put their elf hats on when we enjoy the Christmas porridge on Friday 26.11. Have a nice weekend!
Mon/Ma: VISKARIT: Christmas songs practice/Joululauluharjoitukset MESTARIT: Christmas songs practice/Joululauluharjoitukset
Tue/Ti: VISKARIT: Easy math/helppoa matematiikkaa MESTARIT: Matematiikkaa; mitä yhteistä? mitä eroa? /Mathematics; which similarities? which differences?
Wed/Ke: Trip to Children´s City/Retki Lasten kaupunkiin
Thu/To: VISKARIT: Story related activity/Satuun perustuva toiminta MESTARIT: Seikkailujen Eskari
Fri/Pe: Movie day – Christmas related film/Leffapäivä – jouluun liittyvä elokuva
Mon/Ma: Music day + story time
Tue/Ti: Trip day: Midis – Hesperian park, Maxis – Taivallahti park
Wed/Ke: Volcano eruption experiment + Emotional skills activity (pantomime)
Thu/To: Gym day – Body control and balance (children building the obstacle course)
Fri/Pe: Play day – Sharing toys in small groups + Christmas porridge
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