Minit aloittivat viikon lumileikeillä ja rakensivat mm. yhteisvoimin Maxien kanssa upean lumiukon. Lapset saivat myös valita satutuokiolle luettavan kirjan, joka oli tällä kertaa Hertta tahtoo lemmikin. Tiistaina askartelimme somat helmipöllöt. Lapset pääsivät liimailemaan ja maalaamaan omannäköiset pöllöt. Keskiviikkona lauleskelimme muskarissa tuttuja talvisia lauluja sekä harjoittelimme laulun avulla kehonosia. Torstaina oli vuorossa temppurata, jossa harjoittelimme mm. hyppimistä, kierimistä, tasapainoilua, heittoa, kannustamista ja oman vuoron odottamista. Viikko lopetettiin vapaaseen leikkiin. Lapset leikkivät legoilla, potkivat palloa ja piirsivät.
Minien suunnitelmat ensi viikolle / Minis’ plan for next week:
Ma/Mon: Satutuokio / Story time
Ti/Tue: Muovailua / Play dough
Ke/Wed: Muskari 10:00-10:30 / Music lesson 10:00-10:30
To/Thu: Temppurata / Obstacle course
Pe/Fri: Leivontaa / Baking
The week has started in an active way! We have had a nice walking trip around the daycare´s area and we had also stayed to play in a big park. Children were excited to be in a different place & they had fun with snow games. On Tuesday we had our weekly viskari session where five years old had learnt the letter “o” & we thought about words that start and finish with that letter too. At the same time, we had practiced writing number 2 and we have practiced that concept in the practice by counting objects around us. Meanwhile four years old had a fun math’s game where they had to associate colors & numbers in order to start practicing their adding and resting skills. We have continued the week with the music class, our duckies had nice winter songs and exercises to coordinate the music with their own bodies. On Thursday we had a magic arts session where children made their own snowflakes with glue, salt and watercolors. They are very artistic! Each of them is different and special & we will use them to decorate our lovely room with the seasonal theme. Finally, the week has finished with a long outdoors playing time surprised once again by the snow. What a nice way to start the weekend!
Maxien suunnitelmat ensi viikolle / Maxis’ plan for next week:
Ma/Mon: Kävelyretki, lähdemme klo 9:30 / Walking trip, we leave at 9:30
Ti/Tue: Viskari / Viskari
Ke/Wed: Muskari 10:30-11:15 / Music lesson 10:30-11:15
To/Thu: Ulkopelit / Outdoor games
Pe/Fri: Leivontaa / Baking
Titti, Marta, Nasra and Maija