

MIDIT: Midien viikko käynnistyi syksyisillä kädentaidoilla. Poimimme pihalta syksyn lehtiä ja niiden avulla teimme hienoja töitä. Kun lehden asetti paperin alle ja väritti kynällä päältä, paperille ilmestyi lehti. Olipa jännää! Tiistaina pääsimme jumppaamaan eläinsadun mukana. Kävelimme kuin karhut, pompimme kuin puput ja venyttelimme kuin kissat. Keskiviikon muskarissa musisoimme taas iloisesti Ullan kanssa. Midikerhossa käytiin läpi muotoja ja värejä englanniksi. Perjantaina meillä oli taas yhteinen common circle, jossa oli nukketeatteri. Oli hauska seurata esitystä yhdessä Maxien kanssa. Olemme saaneet nauttia ihanista aurinkoisista päivistä tällä viikolla. Ulkona etenkin hiekkaleikit, palloilu ja keinuminen on ollut hauskaa. Sisällä olemme rakennelleet paljon ja leikkineet kotileikkejä. Tutun opiskelijan kanssa olemme piirtäneet yhdessä paljon, etenkin yksisarvisia on taiteiltu paljon.


MAXIT: We love adorable animals, we love fascinating fairy tales and certainly we love fun puppet shows! This Monday in the Arts and Crafts activities, the Maxis made their own set of paper puppets to take home to create wonderful stories and imaginative theatrical shows with parents, siblings, relatives and friends at home as well! Inspired by last Friday’s origami puppet show “The Little Red Riding Hood (and the Big Good Wolf), the Preschoolers chose their own story to make and “The Three Little Pigs” and “Alice in Wonderland” were the other story options. The Viskaris also chose their favourite animal finger puppets to colour in, cut and make from the options of Dog, Cat, Rabbit, Pig, Sheep, Goat, Cow, Mouse, Chicken, Duck and Horse! We already got warmed up for our upcoming Football Tournament by going through and discussing materials like jerseys of the National Team of Finland, cheering scarf, football and a LEGO towel with all 5 Nordic National Teams: Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Iceland. We agreed that participation, having fun together and helping each other are much more important than winning that also feels wonderful for sure. With the help of a book from the series of Veera Virtanen (Viisi Villiä Virtasta), we again openly discussed about the topic of “Päiväkotirauha” as our long-term project of this Semester’s. In the following weeks, we will read other books like “Piki” and “Molli” as well to advance our social skills, emotional skills, friendship skills etc. so that all of us come to the Day Care happy and go home happy!

Maxien torstain nukketeatterissa tapasimme taas lampaan ja kanan. Tällä kertaa teemana oli se, millainen on hyvä leikki ja miten varmistetaan, että kaikilla on leikissä hyvä mieli. Keskustelimme yhdessä lelujen jakamisesta. Maxeilla on huikean hienoja ajatuksia ystävyydestä ja hyvästä leikistä.

In both of a Preschool Session and Viskari Club, we started learning names of different shapes: Circle, Triangle, Square, Diamond, Rectangle, Heart and Oval etc. (also for the Preschoolers: Pentagon, Hexagon and Octagon). We made very good use of the shapes that the Preschoolers cut in different colours to construct houses, rockets, cars, animals and food together. The Preschoolers also practised size comparison with shapes built with LEGO bricks.

In this Friday’s Common Circle together with the Midis and Alice, we enjoyed the adventures in the amazing Wonderland with the help of another set of origami paper puppets, and we also taught the naughty Queen to behave herself and be polite to everyone else. After kindly sharing Her Highness’s royal tea with Alice, the busy Rabbit, the invisible Cat, Playing Card Guards and the Counsellor at Her Majesty’s tea party at which the Queen was not picky about food anymore and brave tasting everything, we came back to the real world with Alice.

In the Midi Club besides learning shapes and colours, we also enjoyed another “Movie Time” with the flash light projecting the slices of the story “The Ugly Duckling” in which Wei was the dark-feathered big duckling who looked different from the other light-feathered ducklings. Even though we all look more or less different and each of us is unique, we shall accept, respect and celebrate the variety of ours. we are the best being ourselves and we are all GREAT!


Ensi viikolla:


MON 13.9. Käden taidot

TUE 14.9. Jumppa

WED 15.9. Ulkoleikit

THU 6.9. Midikerho

FRI 17.9. Muskari



MON 13.9. Arts and crafts

TUE 14.9. Trip day

WED 15.9. Outdoor avtivities & English Common Circle for the Maxis and the Midis.

THU 16.9. Preschool Session in Finnish Language & Viskari Story Time.

FRI 17.9. Muskari & Viskari club


Kiitos kuluneesta viikosta!

Mira, Pati, Wei ja Annalyn

MIDIT: 050 401 9229

MAXIT: 050 523 9066
