


Aloitimme viikon leikkimällä erilaisia leikkejä niin sisällä kuin ulkona. Lapset saivat vapaasti valita, mihin leikkiin halusivat osallistua. Harjoittelimme näin sosiaalisia taitoja ja yhdessä leikkimistä. Tiistaina meillä oli musiikki- ja lorupäivä. Lauloimme yhdessä erilaisia lauluja, muun muassa bussi- ja ankkalaulun. Keskiviikkona oli päiväkotirauhan julistus. Puhuimme yhdessä lapsien kanssa, miten toisia kohdellaan ystävällisesti, ja miksi ketään ei saa kiusata. Sen jälkeen luimme ystävyyteen liittyviä satuja.
Torstaina leikimme erilaisia liikunnallisia ulkoleikkejä, missä lapset saivat harjoitella motorisia taitoja ja ohjeiden mukaan toimimista. Lapset pitivät tästä kovasti, ja olivat innolla mukana.
Viikon viimeisenä päivänä harjoittelimme lasten kanssa hienomotorisia taitoja nuppitaululla. Lapset keskittyivät tähän hienosti, ja tekivät erilaisia itse valitsemiaan kuvia nupeilla.


Next week for Minis:

MON    Kävelyretki puistoon, lähtö klo 9:30

TUE      Musiikkipäivä

WED     Tarinapäivä

THU      Sisäjumppaa: Temppurata

FRI        Pelipäivä




The week for the groups started with some game time in small groups. During the day, the kids played different games in small groups and changing every certain time the games. On the next day, Viskarit put some focus on different concepts, with everyone working at their own level. The activity was about numbers. First, the kids had to order the numbers from 0 to 10, and after that, they also had to write those numbers in the same order. The second exercise was similar to the first one, but changing the point of view. They had different pictures of hands, with some fingers up and down, and using their counting skills, the kids were able to put the hands in ascending order of fingers up. While Viskari were doing their activity, Midis and Eskari made an obstacle circuit in the big side. On it, the kids were rolling, jumping, climbing, walking on top of a bench, and much more fun. On Wednesday, the kids were divided in three groups. Midis group shaped sunflowers with paper. They were super focused on the activity while practicing and developing their fine motor and scissors skills. Viskari group could enjoy a play day while developing social and cooperation skills. Eskari group had the opportunity to develop their academic skills. They did activities like: circle which activities are you able to do, what do you want to learn in Eskari, draw yourself, and much more. Besides, they were practicing their listening, communication, and attention abilities. On the next day, Midis had the opportunity to play group games outdoors with Minis. Inside, Viskari and Eskari prepared the sunflowers with paper. When creating arts and crafts, children are able to develop their fine motor skills and creative skills. Besides, the kids have worked on team by doing pyramids, castles, airplanes and much more. On the last day of the week, the three groups could have a nice ending of the week by reading books in small groups.


Next week for Midis and Viskarit:

MON        Science Day / Story Day

TUE          Engineer Day / Group Games

WED        Viskarit Activity / Math Day

THU          Trip to Forest (Art Day), leaving at 9.30h

FRI            Technologies Day / Music Day


Next week for Eskarit:

MON        Story Day

TUE          Arts and Crafts

WED        Eskari activity

THU          Forest trip (leaving at 9.30h)

FRI            Game day


Muuta huomioitavaa / Other information:

  • Pakila Ankkalampi-Duckies numbers:

VISKARIT/ESKARIT/VASTAAVA 050 3046677, MIDIT 050 4724034, MINIT  050 4010706

Heli, Paula, Katja, Alexandra, Nasra & Angelyn