


Minien viikkoon on mahtunut monenlaista puuhaa, sekä paljon rauhallista yhdessäoloa. Uudet Minimme alkavat hienosti päästä mukaan arkirutiineihimme ja ovat löytäneet jo paljon mieluista tekemistä niin sisä- kuin ulkoleikeissäkin. ”Vanhat” Minit puolestaan ovat kiinnostuneita uusista kavereista, ja auttavat ja opastavat ihanasti niitä, joita vielä hieman jännittää. Pihalla olemme tehneet yhdessä hiekkakakkuja sekä muita ruokia, liukumäki on ollut kovalla käytöllä, ja mopot on kaivettu tallista vauhtiajoja varten. Sisällä olemme lasten toiveesta tanssineet yhdessä, sekä leikkineet autoilla, palloilla, ja eläimillä. Keskiviikon musiikkituokiolla päästiin kurkistamaan laulupussiin, jonka sisältö vei meidät lauluretkelle mm. bussilaulun, lentokonelaulun, sekä ankkalaulun sävelin. Torstaina pääsimme taiteilemaan värityskuvien parissa, ja samalla muisteltiin mieleen eri värejä englanniksi. Perjantaina päätimme lähteä spontaanille kävelyretkelle yhdessä isojen kanssa. Kiertelimme lähikatuja tutkien, katsellen ja kuunnellen. Lapset bongasivatkin paljon mielenkiintoista katseltavaa; pikkulintuja, ison rekan jolle vilkutimme yhdessä, sähkökaappiin maalattuja kukkia, sekä poliisiauton, wau!


Next week for Minis:








Fortunately, the weather changed for the better and we could all spend more time outside this week. On Monday, we had Toy Day for the children`s request so they could bring their own toy from home. It was the perfect way to practice sharing of their own possessions and the children did it very well. During Morning Circle each duckie had the opportunity to show their toys and talk about them. The Maxis and Viskaris also practiced the days of the week while singing and how to say our names and age in English. Then we all went outside and the Maxis and Viskaris enjoyed some physical exercise in the form of football, while the Midis kept themselves busy in the sandbox baking, making some ice cream or playing construction site. On Tuesday, an obstacle course was prepared by the Viskaris for everyone and one Viskari also demonstrated to the Maxis and Midis how to go through each obstacle. The duckies had so much fun balancing, jumping, rolling and bouncing while improving their gross motor skill. Well done everyone! On Wednesday, the duckies created some portraits during arts & cafrts session. The Midis had empty portrait sheets and each child glued cut-out eyes, a nose and a mouth on their own sheet drew the hair and ears. The Maxis and Viskaris had their own photos taken and the task was to cut the photo in half then draw the other half themselves. While doing this activity, the children had the time to study their eyes, nose, mouth and the rest of their face and body and to work out how it all fits together. On Thursday, we all enjoyed some story time. The Maxis and Viskaris met their old friend ”Herra Pöllö” who told them about the owl who marvelled and said ”WOW” to the different colours while he was awake. It was interactive story during which the children practiced naming the different colours both in Finnish and English. In the meantime, the Midis read ”The Cross Rabbit”, a charming story about how to be a helpful friend. After nap the duckies played with building blocks, board games and puzzles together. On Friday, we all went on a walking trip with the Minis and the Midis were paired up with their Viskari or Maxi friends and practiced how to walk together as a group. During the morning the Viskaris also decoratedtheir notebook and drew their own picture on the first page. They were asked about their certain skills they already have and what they would like to do this season. Some of them would like  to be able to do the cartwheel while others preferred to play with their friends or go on trips. Excellent ideas! Have a great weekend!


Next week for Midis and Maxis


TUE             RETKIPÄIVÄ. Lähtö klo:9.15 / TRIP DAY. Leaving at 9.15





Heli, Aniko, Paula, Katja ja Kaye


Muuta huomioitavaa / Other information:

  • Pakila Ankkalampi-Duckies numbers:

MIDIT/MAXIT/VASTAAVA 050 3046677, MINIT 050 4724034