

Minis’ – Midis’ last week

Ciao! This week we traveled to Italy and we Loved it! We got to make and taste our own pizza and learned so many things about the country such as famous cities, personalities, buildings and the carnival of Venice of course. Minis got to be little Leonardo’s and created their own masterpiece paintings and Midis made their own Venezian masks, while practicing pencil grip and control, along with cutting skills. We also took a trip to our favorite turtle park and the woods and we practiced all together for our spring concert as well!

Minis – Midis next week:

31.5 Leikkipäivä / Play Day

1.6 Oma Muskari / Music class

2.6 Satutuokio / Story time

3.6 Kevätjuhlat / Spring Party

4.6 Retkipäivä / Trip Day

Midi-Maxis last week:

On Monday we did a recap of what we’ve learned this season. Some of the memories were a bit dusty, but with help of the teachers the children did start to remember more of what we have learned. On Tuesday and Friday we practiced the song and performance for the summer party. Wednesday we had a talk about all the trash we have been finding in our yard recently. Our 4-6 year olds already know that trash belongs in the trashcan. So together we made drawings and messages for the guests in our yard, to educate them about recycling and keeping our environment safe and clean for everybody. Thursday we went to the skate and trampoline park near the railroad, that was an adventure!

Midi-Maxis next week:

31.5 Practice for the summer performance

1.6 Practice for the summer performance

2.6 Video recording our summer performance

3.6 Summer party for the children (dancing, games and ice cream)

4.6 Water balloon games (if the weather allows)