

This week we have been preparing for our upcoming spring party. For arts & craft, children practised scissor cutting skills and painting and gluing skills. We have been practising our spring party songs together and also we took some videos of our rehearsals. On Friday it was time for our outdoor play time and media education. Midis took photos outside and indoors of their chosen spots and we looked through the photos together. Outside we played together hippa and all children were so happy to run around and chase each other. Next week we will have our spring party!

Minis-Midis next week:
Mon 23.5. Music
Tue 24.5. Spring party at 16:00
Wed 25.5. Outdoor play
Thu 26.5. Day care closed
Fri 27.5. Outdoor play

We learned about Africa this week.
On Monday we had circle time and learned about Africa. We talked about pyramids and different races of people who live in Africa; different landscapes like deserts,savanna; and it is the 2nd largest continent. On Tuesday we went to Thurmanin Park and went to the library to borrow some more books for kindergarten. Children also spent some time reading and playing in the library. We had our own Muskari lesson and practised our summer party songs and we had a long playing time outdoors as it was really nice weather. We made bumblebees, butterflies and ladybug crafts that will be used for the spring party songs. We had reviews about Africa in Finnish with Vili and we went to the sand field and practised to be ready for Ankka Olympics in a few weeks time.

Midis-Maxis next week:
Mon 23.5. South American continent theme discussion
Tue 24.5. Trip day spring party at 16:00
Wed 25.5. Own music lessons
Thu 26.5. Kindergarten closed! Helatorstai
Fri 27.5. Gym day

Tärkeät päivämäärät / Important dates:
24.5. Kevätjuhla klo 16:00 / Spring party at 16:00

Best regards,
The Kauniainen team