Kapteenit ovat tällä viikolla nauttineet ihanan talvisesta kelistä monella tavalla! Puistossa olemme saaneet paljon liikuntaa sekä harjoitusta karkeamotoriikalle liikkumalla isojen hankien keskellä, kolaamalla lunta ja rakentamalla yhdessä lumilinnaa päiväkotikavereiden kanssa. Olemme päässeet myös ilmaisemaan itseämme talvisilla tavoilla! Teimme yhdessä jäätimantteja värjäämällä vettä vesiväreillä ja laittamalla muotit pakkaseen, sekä tutustumalla Kippareiden lumimaalauksiin. Muskarissa lauloimme ja tanssimme talvisissa tunnelmissa ja pääsimme myös esittämään omat suosikkikappaleemme Open Micissä! Kieltä olemme tällä viikolla rikastuttaneet suomeksi ja englanniksi erityisesti laululeikeillä, loruilla ja lukemalla kirjoja. Retkipäivämme peruuntui kovan pakkasen vuoksi, mutta olemme tutkineet ympäristöämme mm. tutustumalla veden eri muotoihin ja pelaamalla yhdessä talvibingoa. Leikkien yhteydessä olemme keskustelleet ystävyydestä ja ryhmämme säännöistä, sekä muokanneet ryhmätilamme MINÄ+SINÄ=ME-seinää kuukauden teeman mukaisesti!
The Skippers started the cold snowy week with a trip to Liisanpuistikko, where we worked together as a team to build a huge snowman! On Tuesday, Muskari continued with the theme of snow/winter. On Wednesday, we did some guided drawing (snowmen) for arts and crafts day. On Thursday and Friday, the weather was too cold to go outside, so we took the outside in, quite literally. We took bowls full of snow and did some snow painting! We also conducted a small experiment this week, exploring melting and freezing snow and water.
Thanks to the heavy snowfall and not so freezing cold weather, which was ideal for moulding fluffy snow in the beginning of the week, the creative and energetic Sailors enjoyed themselves together spending much time around every corner of the Park rolling gigantic heavy snowballs with which we built our first fortress where with cookware borrowed from the kitchen we “cooked” and “baked” spicy cakes, gingerbread and so on. We also successfully built 2 kinds of igloos by carefully piling up snow bricks formed in a bucket before the low temperature kept us indoors in the end of the week when we froze our ice diamonds outside the Day Care. We sucked and dropped water with droppers into little boxes of empty candy containers, added and mixed there food colourings of pink, red, yellow, blue, black, silver and golden, decorated there with little edible decorations and sprays. As soon as we left the containers outside, the water started getting frozen so quickly as in the freezer that we could take our own colourful jewels home. We were also very interested in collecting any kinds of samples of snow, ice, fallen leaves and twigs from different locations at the Park and let all the samples melt in our classroom. Even though the snow looked so pure and clean at the first place, the water we got after it melted completely looked so dirty with our naked eyes as well as under the lenses of the microscope! We will not eat snow anymore at the Park! In the semester’s first Muskari lesson via Zoom besides having much fun together with Sari and music, we showed Sari our performance of Revontulitanssi that was taught by her last semester that made Sari so happy and proud of us again!
All the Sailors came back on board on Monday when we set sail From the South Harbour of Helsinki across the Baltic Sea to our neighbour not so far away Poland. We read the biography of the persistent physicist and chemist Madame Curie, appreciated études, nocturnes, waltzes, piano concertos, preludes etc. of the talented virtuoso composer and pianist Frédéric Chopin and brilliant performances of Maestro Arthur Rubinstein. We also tried to learn to count in Polish language from 0 to 100 by watching simple linguistical lessons on YouTube. We got to know more about the country, its national flag, culture and traditions, landscapes and certainly its famous cuisines by reading our big books about everything! Besides completing the jigsaw puzzle of the continent of Europe together, as we wished, each of us also got own colouring book about all the current 27 member countries of European Union, including their national flags, maps, capitals and features downloaded from the website of EU. Next week, we will travel trough the time all the way back to the splendid Classical World, the origin of the modern Western Civilisation, Ancient Greece and Rome where democracy and legislation were born. “The Glory that was Greece, the Grandeur that was Rome.”
Kapteenit / Captains
Ma / Mon 18.1. Kädentaitoja / Arts and Crafts
Ti / Tue 19.1. Muskari (klo 9.45) ja pienryhmätoimintaa / Muskari (at 9.45) and small group activities
Ke / Wed 20.1. Tunne- ja kaveritaitoja / Emotion and friendship skills
To / Thu 21.1. Retkipäivä, lähtö puistosta klo 9.30 / Trip Day, we´ll leave from the park at 9.30
Pe / Fri 22.1. Open Mic / Open Mic
Kipparit / Skippers
Ma / Mon 18.1. Retkipäivä, lähtö puistosta klo 9.30 / Trip Day, we´ll leave from the park at 9.30
Ti / Tue 19.1 Muskari klo 10.15 / Muskari at 10.15
Ke / Wed 20.1. Kädentaitoja / Arts and Crafts
To / Thu 21.1. Lumiprojekti / Snow project
Pe / Fri 22.1. Tunnetaidot / Emotion skills
Seilorit / The Sailors
Mon. 18.01 Arts & Crafts and Winter Experiments.
Tue. 19.01 Muskari 9:00-9:45 am and Gymnastics.
Wed.20.01 Exploring the World: Ancient Greece and Rome.
Thu. 21.01 Walking trip leaving at 9:30 am from the Park.
Fri. 22.01 Project Work: Animals & Outer Space.