


This week has been full of fun activities that the Midi-ducklings enjoyed. Interesting reactions and different emotions surfaced when they experienced winning and losing during our rule game session. They also practiced controlled movements of fingers when we did the spring flower arts. We organized challenging yet fun gym session for the children to focus on foot control, jumping with one foot and both feet together, and keeping balance using balancing rocks and wooden outdoor equipment. The highlight of the week is our first visit to Oodi Climbing Park together with Maxis group. Our little fellas did not want to leave the park and wished to stay there for the rest of the day. They were delighted to hear, that we will go back another time. Before the week ended, we had a sea animals toy day and we practiced sharing and interactions skills.


Viikko alkoi tuttuun tyyliin muskarilla, joka olikin kevätlukukauden viimeinen kerta. Toivottavasti kaikki pääsevät ylihuomenna muskarin juhlaan kuuntelemaan mahtavia esityksiä. Tiedekokeena lapsilla oli: kelluuko vai uppoaako, jossa lapset saivat itse valita kokeeseen sopivat lelut, jonka jälkeen jokainen sai itse/ryhmässä arvata kelluuko vai uppoaako kyseinen esine/lelu. Tiistaipäivä oli satuteema, jolloin lapset saivat kuunnella sekä äänisadun että luetun sadun. Askartelussa lapset saivat tehdä söpöt linnut. Torstaina oltiin Oodin kiipeilypuistossa, jossa lapset kiipeilivät/temppuilivat ahkerasti, jolloin kropan hallinta- ja tasapainotaidot kehittyivät. Viikko päättyi lelupäivään, jolloin aamupiirissä oli ”show and tell”, jonka lisäksi keskusteltiin ja katseltiin mitä eläimiä Suomessa löytyy. Pareittain-pienryhmissä leikit ovat edelleen olleet käytössä ja ne toimivat todella hienosti.


This week has been another lovely and playful week full of energy and laughter and always learning new things during sessions. On Monday, we had our PE session “nature sports” followed by our music spring concert rehearsal. On Wednesday, the whole class went on a trip to Töölönlahti; which was enjoyed by everyone. We spotted birds catching fish, walked by the bay also we were able to climb on a big log, as well as observing and playing with other nature attractions. The Viskarit have had sessions on Maths and Finnish language. On Thursday we went to Töölönlahti climbing park, the children were super happy and excited about it. Friday once again was our music spring concert rehearsal. Mestari-ducks proceeded with their felt hedgehogs and learned another new letter, this time letter Ö.




Mon/Ma: Rule games – understanding rules of the game, winning, & losing

Tue/Ti: Bubble painting art

Wed/Ke: Ball games – ball rolling and throwing

Thu/To: Trip to Töölönlahti & spring bingo

Fri/Pe: Toy Day theme is Animal Books



Mon/Ma: Music session with our own group/teachers, playing in pairs – Muskari omassa ryhmässä/omien opettajien kanssa, pareittain leikkiminen

Tue/Ti: Trip to Lastenlehdon leikkipuisto; we leave at 9:30 – Retki Lastenlehdon leikkipuistoon; lähtö klo 9:30

Wed/Ke: Arts & crafts with spring theme – Askartelua kevätteemalla

Thu/To: Outdoor gym; football – Ulkojumppa; futista

Fri/Pe: Toy day, rehearsing songs – Lelupäivä, laulujen harjoittelu



Mon/Ma: Whole group Physical exercises, VISKARIT: Music session/Musiikkituokio MESTARIT: Matematiikka + lentokone-projekti /Math + airplane project

Tue/Ti: VISKARIT: Fine motor skills/Kädentaidot MESTARIT: Seikkailujen Eskari + lentokone-projekti/Airplane-project

Wed/Ke: Retki Taiviksen puistoon/Trip to Taivallahti park

Thu/To: VISKARIT: Language activity/Englanninkielinen tuokio MESKARIT: Huopatyöt loppuun/Finishing up the felt works

Fri/Pe: VISKARIT: Fairy tale theme/Satu-teeman mukaista toimintaa MESTARIT: Seikkailujen Eskari


Ankkalampi-Duckies Töölön tiimi