

Spring has sprung! Midis and Minis has been learning all this week about spring. We learned the changes and the spring signs in our surroundings. We used flashcards where the kids learned spring animals and flowers and they got so well familiar they could easily spot it outside on our own yard. The midis had a small trip in the nearby forest where they look for spring signs and took a photo. Just exploring our own yard, the minis also found liverwort, anemone,buds,ants and heard birds like white wagtail, common black birds singing and flying over us. In support for kids with cancer, we had a run for cause in the nearby football kids where kids enhanced their gross motor skills, by running and playing football. We finished the run with a treat from the foundation.

Alkuviikosta harjoittelimme läheisellä urheilukentällä juoksutaitoa viestijuoksulla. Lapset saivat kukin juosta vuorollaan ja muut kannustivat. Juoksun jälkeen harjoittelimme myös jalkapallon potkimista ja maalien tekoa. Lopuksi nautittiin yhdessä pillimehut. Tällä viikolla Minit ja Midit ovat jatkaneet myös kevään merkkien tarkkailua kuvakorttien kera, pihalla etsien muurahaisia, hämähäkkejä ja valkovuokkoja. Silmut ovat puissa kasvaneet ja niitä on yhdessä ihmetelty. Midien kanssa suuntasimme myös päiväkotia vastapäätä olevaan pieneen metsään, jossa kukin lapsi sai kuvata vuorotellen valitsemiaan kevään merkkejä. Löysimme sinivuokkoja ja yksi lapsi intoutui ottamaan kannon päällä kipittävästä muurahaisesta videon.

Minis-Midis next week:
Mon 16.5. Outdoor play
Tue 17.5. Arts & Craft
Wed 18.5. Music
Thu 19.5. Music
Fri 20.5. Media education

We have talked about Australia this week.
We had a circle time and learned about some facts about Australia. Animals, people and famous places. On Tuesday we went to Gallstraskin park. It was a lovely trip again, nice walking, beautiful weather, and a fun park. Children all had a chance to workout in the outside gym area. We had their last Muskari lesson on Wednesday. They practised the summer songs and different instruments. For Viskari esson we did more counting activities. On craft day, We made a koala bear head band, cutting and colouring. Children learned more interesting facts about koalas.On Friday, we made the school run course close to the Thurmanin puisto, we discussed the meaning of the running is that to raise money for very sick children, everyone was actively participating in running. They all enjoyed the juice after the running.

Midis-Maxis next week:
Mon 16.5. African continent theme discussion
Tue 17.5. Trip day
Wed 18.5. Own music lesson+ viskari
Thu 19.5. Art and craft day
Fri 20.5. Gym day

Tärkeät päivämäärät / Important dates:
24.5. Kevätjuhla klo 16:00 / Spring party at 16:00

Best regards,
The Kauniainen team