


Viikon alussa Midit ovat tutustuneet perhosen kehityskaareen kuvin, videoin ja kädentaidoin. Luimme klassikkosadun Pikku Toukka Paksulainen ja askartelimme omat perhosentoukat piippurassista ja helmistä. Toukat pääsivät osaksi Maxien aloittamaa kevätkollaasia päiväkodin seinälle, perhosten ja kukkasten seuraan. Tiistaina retkeilimme myös läheiseen leikkipuistoon keinumaan, karuselliin ja suureen liukumäkeen. Lasten iloksi pihalla oli myös uudenlaisia hiekkaleluja, jopa oikeita keittiövälineitä tuotu lasten leikkejä varten, joten viihdyimme hiekkaleikeissä pitkään. Keskiviikkona muskari olikin peruttu tältä viikolta, joten lapsilla oli runsaasti vapaan leikin aikaa. Harjoittelimme myös yhdessä lauluja Piippolan vaarilla oli talo sekä Old MacDonald had a farm ensi viikon maatilateemaista viikkoa varten. Torstaina lapset jumppasivat innokkaina temppuradassa pienryhmissä, harjoitellen tasapainoilua, hyppäämistä kahdella ja yhdellä jalalla. Viikko huipentui aurinkoiseen perjantain lelupäivään, jossa opettelimme oman lelun esittelyä, lelujen jakamista ja leikkikaverin ideoiden huomioimista leikissä. Kevätjuhla lähestyy pian myös, joten lapset ovat päässeet tutustumaan englannin- ja suomenkieliseen kevätlauluihin.


Next week’s plan:

MON 16.05: Farm animals coloring activity

TUE 17.05: Puppet theatre at day care; The three Billy Goats Gruff

WED 18.05: Muskari

THUR 19.05: Farm animal’s visit at 9.00 (Midi’s turn)!

FRI 20.05: Toy Day and practicing the spring songs



The week began introducing the theme ‘Life on the Farm’. On Monday the children created some lovely 3-d sheep using carboard tubing, cotton wool and other various material. The sheep now sit proud on the window shelf as part of our Farm Life room display.

On Tuesday we continued practicing ball skills as part of the walking trip in Tuorinniemi Park. This week the children practiced ball aiming, throwing and catching to a long distance. We used small tennis balls using the over arm throw to practice these skills. At the end of the session the children were throwing the ball as far as they could. They also practiced what we learnt las week which was the under-arm pass to a short distance.

Unfortunately, the children didn’t have their music session on Wednesday as the teacher was sick, however we had a Power Point presentation in English and learned some English Vocabulary associated with Farm Life. We also discussed what various farm animals are used for; milk, meat, leather, eggs, wool, fur, feather… We also included a fun game as part of the activity where the children had to recognize farm animal sounds and we also sang ‘Old Mc Donald had a Farm’ together in English.

On Thursday the preschool had their Finnish lesson where they continued to study numbers and developed their understanding of some simple strategies for addition. We had a English story with the Viskari club about two children visiting their Grandparents on the farm. We revised some of the key vocabulary associated with Farm Life and later colored a countryside farm landscape picture.

Friday was the English lesson for the preschool where we also continued to study numbers and develop some simple strategies for addition. The Viskari club also had their numbers activity on Friday and used some counting cubes to practice single number addition. The activity included farm animals for the counting and addition.

This week we continued including some aerobic sessions outside before we come inside. The sessions are about 10 mins. Not only the benefit from some physical exercise but the children will become more familiar with directional terms in English such as left, right, back, forwards, up, down, in and out. The children seem to enjoy the sessions as they are done with beat music.


Next week’s plan:

MON 16.05: Arts and Craft – Group wall collage of Farm.

TUE 17.05: Walking trip to Tuorinniemi Park to practice ball skills – Under arm to roll a ball to a short and long distance on the floor. They will aim towards a target and learn how to stop a ball with their feet.

WED 18:05: Music Lesson/Continue with Farm Life Wall collage

THU 19.05: Farm animals visit to the Daycare (Outside)

FRI 20.05: Preschool English numeracy – Recognizing and reading numbers beyond 20 / Viskari English numeracy – Ordering numbers in 10’s  from 10 to 100



Kiitos kuluneesta viikosta!

Marta, Trystan, Johanna, Andrea, Senja, Mae ja Titti

MIDIT: 050 401 9229

MAXIT: 050 523 9066
