
Viikkokirje-Weekly Letter 17/2023


Viikkokirje 17


Mineillä alkoi viikko satutuokiolla, sekä muskarilla. Tiistaina meillä oli askartelua, askartelimme äitienpäivä yllätyksiä. Keskiviikkona jatkoimme askartelua. Torstaina vietimme laulutuokiota. Perjantaina vietimmekin vappua koko talon voimin. Meillä oli naamiaiset ja ilmapallo disco.


Ma/Mon 1.5 Suljettu/ Closed

Ti/Tue 2.5 Liikunta

Ke/Wed 3.5 Askartelu

To/Thu 4.5 Laulutuokio

Pe/Fri 5.5 Toyday



Our Penguin Week we started with a lovely book about the little penguin and his supportive family ❤️. On Tuesday we made lovely penguin crown. Our duckies cut every piece by themselves. For some of the duckies it was challenging, but with our encouragement they managed to finish 🤗we are so proud of them 😍. On Wednesday we had a long trip to Oodi. Kids were lucky to travel by metro and by bus in one day 🤩. On Thursday we watched a documentary about penguins 🐧. We discussed some interesting facts and danced like a penguins a lot 😊. On Friday we continued to dance because of our Vappu party! What amazing costumes everyone had!!

Next week we dedicate to the space theme because of the national space day on 5th of May 🚀 

Happy Vappu everyone and see you on 🐢 Tuesday



Ma/Mon 1.5 Suljettu/Closed

Ti/Tue 2.5 Arts & crafts- space painting

Ke/Wed 3.5 Trip to Julius’ Park (we leave at 9.30)

To/Thu 4.5 P.E. Activity space obstacle course outside (weather permitting)

Pe/Fri 5.5 Toy Day



And just like that April is ending and we are welcoming May next week! The Maxis started the week doing what they love- art! We did our flower collage that is now up on our wall. We also had muskari with Silja and sung some spring songs! We went to Herttoniemenranta the next day for our Viskari cooperation with their Viskarit. We learned about the letters j, h and r this time. There were letter tracing practice, vocabularies that starts with these mentioned letters and also thinking about & drawing objects that starts with these letters! It was a lot of fun! The 4 year olds, practiced following different kinds of wavy lines. They did it quickly because they were more excited about the toys they can play with in Hranta Duckies🤣. We went to Children’s Town on Wednesday. You guys, the Maxis were ALL well-behaved during the entire trip, I almost cried.🥹 As always, they don’t like leaving the place once they’re out and about.😂 It’s a good practice for them to learn that there’s a time for everything. A time for playing, a time for eating and a time for resting. On Thursday, one of our friend brought her favorite book. It’s about friendship💛. We love a good friendship book! We also did a leak proof bag science experiment. You can ask your little duckies what we did, hopefully they remembered it.🙈 Friday was the Vappu party 🎉! Everyone was dressed exactly the way they wanted and danced to some of their favorite songs. Maxis had a Vappu arts & crafts on the side. We ate the traditional donuts and tasted sima. Yep, our week was full, but we wouldn’t want it any other way! One Maxi even said this is the best party of all time!

Thanks for joining us this week, see you on turtle 🐢 Tuesday💛



Ma/Mon 1.5 Suljettu/ Closed

Ti/Tue 2.5 Viskari and guided activities- we will start at 9.45 (Hranta Viskarit are coming)

Ke/Wed 3.5 Parkday- Risto park leaving at 9.30

To/Thu 4.5 Story Day & Arts & Crafts

Pe/Fri 5.5 Toy Day & kid’s wish party (each Maxi gets to decide every Friday what kind of party they want to have in the daycare)


Viikko-ohjelma voi muuttua tarvittaessa. Weekly schedule can change if needed.

Terveisin / Greetings, Kulosaaren Ankkatiimi- Duckies Team, Puh./Phone: 050- 566 8049

Oy Ankkalampi – Ankdammen Ab – kaupungin parasta varhaiskasvatusta & päivähoitoa