


Feathers, fun and a festive feeling has been the mood this week at the Day Care preparing for the Vappu celebration on Friday. The week began with preparing colourful feather masks and pom poms ready for the disco. The decorations truly look absolutely wonderful.

On Tuesday the Maxis continued with sports skills during the walking trip. We practiced passing a football correctly to a partner kicking the centre of the ball with the side of the foot. We also practiced ball control using cones to dribble the ball between the cones. Towards the end of the session, we split the group into 3 teams and had a few relays to include an element of competition to the activity. There was certainly a noticed improvement even from this one session with regards to ball control.

On Wednesday Viskari and Eskari continued with the music session. Also both groups went outside to the wooded area near the Day Care. The mission was a bug hunt using various magnifying equipment. Many children observed the world of ants and discovered that their nests were usually under big stones. We hope to see more bugs and insects in the coming week as part of our ‘The Signs of Spring’ theme.

The Preschool children had their Finnish lesson with Titti on Thursday where they studied the number eight. Number bonds, comparisons, counting, addition and subtraction activities were included  revolving around the number 8. The group also revised th letter ‘O’ in English. The Viskari continued learning vocabulary that are associated with the Spring theme. We played a few games of words bingo that included this vocabulary. The children were extremely excided playing this game and we will no doubt include some more word associated bingo games in the future.

Friday was the day the children had all been looking forward to. During the morning the children enjoyed the disco in their costumes, masks, hats waving their pom poms. They also created some lovely art balloons and Vappu bunting(flags) to hang outside as part of the morning activities. Juice and doughnuts were also enjoyed as a Vappu treat.

We hope that you all will have as much fun as we did during the Vappu weekend. Happy Vappu to you all!


Next week´s plan:

MON 02.05: Mother´s day art and craft. (Shhhh, it’s a surprise!)

TUE 03.05: Walking trip to Tuorinniemi Park to practice ball skills – Throwing and aiming towards a target.

WED 04.05: Music Lesson and decorating a spring/summer tree. (Group project)

THU 05.05: Preschool Finnish and Viskari English Literacy (Colours in English)

FRI 06.05: Preschool English Linguistics and numeracy and Viskari English numeracy




Tällä viikolla on valmistauduttu perjantaiseen vappujuhlaan. Maanantaina lapset koristelivat omat värikkäät juhlahatut. Tiistaina kävimme jälleen kävelyretkellä Tuorinniemen leikkipuistossa. Viihdyimme erityisesti kiipeilyverkossa, sekä pompimme trampoliinissa ja kiepuimme karusellissa. Harjoittelimme tasapainoilua, kehon hallintaa ja kiipeilyä. Keskiviikkona muskarissa laulettiin keväisiä ja kesäisiä eläinlauluja. Torstaina jatkoimme vappuaskartelua vappuhuiskujen ja naamioiden merkeissä. Lisäksi juhlimme 5-vuotissynttäreitä musiikin ja tanssin kera. Viikko päättyi yhteisiin vappujuhliin, joissa oli erilaisia toimintapisteitä, kuten askartelua, disco ilmapalloineen, sekä tietenkin vappumunkeilla ja mehulla herkuttelua! 😊 Ihastelimme toistemme naamiaisasuja. Meillä oli monen monta erilaista hahmoa juhlimassa supersankareista eläimiin ja prinsessoista ja palomiehiin. Ensi viikolla juhlitaankin äitejä ja lapset ovatkin jo alkaneet valmistelemaan yllätyksiä!


Next week´s plan:

MON 02.05. Arts (surprise for mommies) – part 1

TUE 03.05. Arts (surprise for mommies) – part 2

WED 04.05. Music class + baking

THU 05.05. Free play / mother´s day party (16-17h)

FRI 06.05. Toy Day



 Kiitos kuluneesta viikosta!

Marta, Trystan, Johanna, Andrea, Senja, Mae ja Titti

MIDIT: 050 401 9229

MAXIT: 050 523 9066
