

Aloitimme viikon tutkimalla kevään merkkejä ulkona yhdessä kuvakorttien kera. Retkipäivänä kävelimme kirjastoon ja tarkkailimme lähiympäristöä sekä lainasimme lasten vanhempien lapsuuden lempikirjoja. Lapsista oli hauskaa myös leikkiä yhdessä kirjaston leikkihuoneessa. Satuhetkissä olemme tällä viikolla lukeneet satuja ystävyydestä ja tunteista. Minit ovat lukeneet Pupen seikkailuista. Perjantaina vietimme kansallista leikkipäivää leikkien sisällä lasten lempileikkejä – roolileikkiä, kotileikkiä ja duploilla rakentelua. Ulkoleikeissä on nautittu hiekkaleikeistä, kaiveltu kuoppia ja kasattu tulivuoria.

We started the week by looking for spring signs outdoors using flash cards. On trip day we walked to the library and borrowed families’ favourite childhood books. Children enjoyed playing together in the library play room. We have also read stories about friendship and feelings. Minis have been reading Puppe stories. On Friday we spent the national play day playing indoors children´s favourites – role play, home play and duplos. Outdoors children have played with sand, digging holes and building volcanos.

Minis-Midis next week:
Mon 25.4. Kädentaidot / Arts & Craft
Tue 26.4. Hattujuhla / Hat party
Wed 27.4. Muskari
Thu 28.4. Jumppapäivä / P.E.
Fri 29.4. Leikkipäivä / Play day

It was a short week after the Easter holiday. Weather has been so nice. On the trip day we had a long walking trip to the duck boards and explored around the small lake, children enjoyed nature and good exercise. Muskari lessons went well as usual. On Viskari lesson we did about symmetry drawing and shape recognition exercises. We also went for a nice walk around Thurmaninpuisto. We continued some more craft work with Antarctica theme “Antarctica Scenery project”, we divided children into 2 groups, they made very good models. They learned cooperation and taking responsibilities as well as enhanced their fine motor skills and creativity during the project. We celebrated play day on Friday; we went to the sand pitch behind the old unit, did some jogging, enjoyed some cookies and played football.

Midis-Maxis next week:
Mon 25.4. Australia theme
Tue 26.4. Trip day and hat party
Wed 27.4. Muskari + Viskari
Thu 28.4. Theatre trip (older group)+ craft
Fri 29.4. P.E

Tärkeät päivämäärät / Important dates:
26.4. Vappujuhlat / May Day celebration
4.5. Äitienpäiväjuhlat klo 16:00 / Mother´s day celebration at 16:00

Best regards,
The Kauniainen team