
Viikkokirje-Weekly Letter 16/2022


Viikkokirje 16


Minit ovat tällä viikolla ulkoillut paljon ja nauttinut auringosta ja keväästä. Hiekkakakkujen teko on mieluisaa puuhaa. Tiistaina kävimme läheisessä leikkipuistossa leikkimässä. Keskiviikkona meillä oli askartelua, teimme äideille yllätyksiä. Torstaina muskari, mitä niin kovin aina odotetaan. Perjantaina olikin leikkipäivä.

Ma/Mon 25.4 Satutuokio/ Story Day

Ti/Tue 26.4 Playday

Ke/Wed 27.4 Askartelu/ Arts & Crafts

To/Thu 28.4 Muskari (We start at 10.00)

Pe/Fri 29.4 Vappu Party! (Kids can wear costume of their choice)



This week has been calm and quiet in our maxies group since many of our maxis have been on easter holiday. Let’s have a look in what we did this week! On Tuesday we started our morning circle with story time. Story was about Franklin getting a baby sister. This story was interesting to many since many of our Maxis have got sisters & brothers. Story was listened carefully. On Wednesday we headed to Mustikkamaa. This time we played with sand, got to walk along the beach enjoying sunny weather.  Maxies were curious about there being so many rubbishes on the beach. We talked about recycling and not to throw trash on the ground. On Thursdays Paula Muskari we got to dance along Darude hits and played with instruments. Friday, we had arts& craft. We painted, practiced scissor skills and gluing.

Ma/Mon 25.4. Askartelu / Arts & Crafts

Ti/Tue 26.4 Retki, satutuokio Herttoniemen kirjastossa / Tripday, storytime at Herttoniemi library (We leave at 9.00)

Ke/Wed 27.4 Leikkipäivä/ Playday

To/Thu 28.4 Paulan Muskari (We start at 10.30)

Pe/Fri 29 .4 Vappu Party! (Saa pukeutua/ Kids can wear costume of their choice)


Viikko-ohjelma voi muuttua tarvittaessa. Weekly schedule can change if needed.

Terveisin / Greetings, Kulosaaren Ankkatiimi- Duckies Team, Puh./Phone: 050- 566 8049

Oy Ankkalampi – Ankdammen Ab – kaupungin parasta varhaiskasvatusta & päivähoitoa