

MINIS’ last week

This week we started preparing for Easter. We planted Easter grasses in an eggshells and beautifully painted the egg cartons with the children’s favourite colors. That gave us a good opportunity to practise our fine motor skills. The music teacher prepared an “Indian tipi” a traditional tent and the children enjoyed a camp like atmosphere for the music class. The sun was shiny and warm last Thursday so we went for a trip and the children wishes to visit the Turtle park close by. We have an active and fun Friday, the children enjoyed dancing with their favourite nursery rhymes.

Minis’ next week:

29.3 Leikki- ja kulttuuripäivä / Play and culture day

30.3 Oma Muskari / Own Music class

31.3 Kädentaitoja / Arts & Crafts

1.4  Retki Päivä / Trip Day

2.4 Suljettu

MIDIS AND MAXIS last week:

We started our Easter project by decorating Easter eggs templates, which we will use later for Easter egg hunt. We also painted jars with a mixture of glue, food coloring and water, these jars will be used later for growing our Easter grass. On Thursday we went for a trip to the other unit, where the children enjoyed different kind of board games. Friday we played an Easter related movement game outdoors. We noticed that many children show interest in letters and numbers. Whenever we have had the possibility, we have been exploring and practising letters and numbers through play.

Midi-Maxis next week:

29.3 Easter activity

30.3 Own Muskari and Viskari

31.3 Easter activity

1.4 Trip to the new unit

2.4 Suljettu