Viikko on ollut käsinukkeja täynnä! Maanantaina käsinuket järjestivät musiikkiesityksen, tiistaina askartelimme omat sukkanukkemme ja torstaina opimme käsinukeilta, miten toimitaan, jos ystävällä on paha olla. Rakensimme jumppasaliin temppuradan astinkivistä, patjoista, esteistä ja trampoliinista. Vauhti oli huimaa ja tekeminen puhututti lapsia pitkään. Taidamme antaa lasten suunnitella itse oma rata ensi viikoksi. Teimme myös leppoisan kävelyretken karttaa apua käyttäen ja kävimme katsomassa, missä kukin Midimme asuu. Ensi viikon torstaina juhlimme Pyhän Patrickin päivää ja pukeudumme sen kunniaksi vihreään. Mukavaa viikonloppua!
A week of fun and learning for the sweet Maxis! We were starting the day with a morning circle, talking about friendship and kindness, how to approach our friends when they are sad, how interesting and fun it is when we play together. We created a story where each child complemented it with a part of their imagination. Obviously, we have some hidden writing talents! Of course, our clever heads also clicked on their science button while observing the salt- water experiment, where they learned about the density of salt and fresh water. We sledged and played in the snow. Gym day was indoors, and the Maxis enjoyed by doing different tags activity. For the International Women’s Day, the little hands put together beautiful cards, worthwhile, and could not wait to give them to their moms. We will end the week relaxing with yoga for children and interactive song about friendship. Have a lovely weekend!
Dear families, we hope you all are well and looking forward to the beautiful Finnish springtime. Here at duckies the children have had a sporty winter week full of snow and of course education time too. The Viskarit and Mestarit had enjoyed ice-skating and sledging. They visited, Väinämöisen kenttä sport field and they really enjoyed the time there. This week we have also celebrated International Women’s Day by doing some arts & crafts activities to acknowledge the day. The Viskarit had a math session about numbers, shapes and in Finnish language, in English they discussed about animals and hibernation. Master Ducks learned a new letter “Ä” Next week, we have more activities to do and celebrations to do with our children. Please take care and enjoy the snowy days.
Mon/Ma: Music session & Finger puppets // Muskari & sorminuket
Tue/Ti: Recycling crafts // Askartelua kierrätysmateriaaleista
Wed/Ke: Building an obstacle course & Bingo game // Rakennetaan temppurata & Bingo
Thu/To: St. Patricks day – wear green! // Pyhän Patrickin päivä – pukeudu vihreään!
Fri/Pe: Games and rules // Pelejä ja sääntöjä
Mon/Ma: Music Day and Science. (Salty Water vs. sweet water, correlation with the past experiment)
Tue/Ti: Trip Day (Toboggans sledge)
Wed/Ke: Marble painting
Thu/To: Gym (Indoors – Beanbags, Balls) Patric’s Day – wear something green if possible
Fri/Pe: Once Upon a time game and Friendship fairy tale)
Mon/Ma: Ryhmä 1: Liikuntaleikkejä, Ryhmä 2: Lasten oma nukketeatteri/Group 1: Sport games Group 2: Children´s own puppet show
Tue/Ti: VISKARIT: Helppoa matematiikkaa/Easy math MESTARIT: Seikkailujen Eskari, kirjain ”R”/Letter ”R”
Wed/Ke: Terveydenhoitajaopiskeljat pitävät ruokakasvatukseen liittyviä toimintapisteitä/Nurse students will held activity centers (talks about food education, sugar in drinks and activities)
Thu/To: St. Patricks day celebration “fun day of activities”
Fri/Pe: VISKARIT: Social Skills “Friendship skills” MESTARIT: Matematiikkaa, numerot 1 & 2/Math, numbers 1 & 2.
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