


We began the week in the Maxis by celebrating International Women’s Day although the official was the Tuesday. The children got to hear about some influential Finnish women such as Sanna Marin, Tove Jannson, Enni Rukajärvi and Armi Ratia. The art and craft activity was to use Marimekko napkins to dress and decorate women of all different ages, size and colour. The work is currently displayed on the wall in the Day Care and looks beautiful.

Tuesday was the walking trip and included a visit to Herttoniemi Shcool to use the agility and circuit course. We also introduced he theme ‘Signs of Spring’ to the children which included a ‘Powerpoint’ presentation showing the various signs of spring within nature. We’ve began learning the names of various flowers such as Tulips and Daffodils and baby animals such as chicks, lambs and calves. We also introduced a song called ‘The Signs of Spring’  which we’ll be singing along with other spring songs in the forthcoming months.

We continued with the theme od spring during Wednesday. The task for the children was to identify pictures that gave the signs of spring and separate them from the winter pictures. The children also had their weekly music lesson and during the afternoon the children created some spring flowers using ‘Hamma Beads.’

The week ended with the Preschool children learning about the letter K in Finnish on Thursday and then in English on Friday. The task for the Viskari on Thursday was to order Spring animals and flowers from the smallest to the largest and on Friday the viskari club discussed the various fruits that are native to Finland and Exotic Fruits Fruit that are from warmer climates. All the Children on Friday afternoon sampled some exotic fruits as it was officially exotic Fruits day across all the Ankkalampis.

As well as the activities mentioned above the children had both indoor and outdoor free play and listened to stories in both English and Finnish.


Next week´s plan:

MON 14.03. Spring Crafft

TUE 15.03. Viskari-Colour Spring Words and Pictures / Preeschool – Finnish with Titti

WED 16.03. Spring Mother and Baby Animals

THU 17.03. Walking trip looking for signs of Spring

FRI 18.03. Viskari – Practice writing numbers and counting lambs with finger painting Preschool – English letter revision



 Tällä viikolla olemme saaneet nauttia sekä lumisateesta että keväisestä auringonpaisteesta. Viikko alkoikin kädentaitotuokiolla, jossa lapset loihtivat kevätkukkasia ikkunaan maalaten. Tiistaita, naistenpäivää, vietimme hemmotteluhoidoissa. Lapset nauttivat ”spa-musiikista”, rentouttavasta hieronnasta, kynsien lakkauksesta ja kurkkunaamioista. Keskiviikkona muskarissa laulettiin ja leikittiin vielä talvilaulujen parissa. Torstaina lähdimme innokkaina aurinkoiselle kävelyretkelle ihastelemaan sataman veneitä. Yhteiskävelyn harjoittelu sujui hienosti. Kuvien ja satujen kautta on jatkettu myös tunnetaito- ja kaveritaitojen harjoittelua. Perjantaina tutustuimme eksoottisiin hedelmiin Ankkalammen yhteisen teeman mukaisesti. Lapset saivat tutkia, miltä mm. ananas, kiivi ja mango näyttävät ja tuntuvat. Opettelimme tunnistamaan eksoottisia hedelmiä myös muistipelin ja värityskuvien avulla ja lopuksi pääsimme maistelemaan näitä värikkäitä herkkuja. Perjantaina vietettiin myös lelupäivää!


Next week´s plan:

MON 14.03. Arts & Craft (cherry trees and spring leaves)

TUE 15.03. Walking trip (leaving at 9.30am)

WED 16.03. Music lesson

THU 17.03. Children interviews (growth development folders)

FRI 18.03. Toy day



Kiitos kuluneesta viikosta!

Marta, Trystan, Johanna, Andrea, Senja, Mae ja Titti

MIDIT: 050 401 9229

MAXIT: 050 523 9066
