Happy New Year! We started the year by doing all the activities together. Everyone was thrilled to tell stories about how their holiday went so the Maxis and Viskaris did so by painting. Almost every day we went to Kone Park to enjoy the snow, where we made a snowman, went sledding, and throwed snowballs. Capping the first week of the year, we had a puppet theatre where we learned about the story of the “Loaf (Ginger Bread Man).”
MINIEN suunnitelmat viikolle 2 / Minis’ plans for week 2 :
MON 10.1 Sledding
TUE 11.1 Storytime
WED 12.1 Music and Movement
THU 13.1 Minis’ Time
FRI 14.1 Arts and Crafts
MIDIEN suunnitelmat viikolle 2 / Midis’ plans for week 2 :
MON 10.1 Sledding
TUE 11.1 Arts and Crafts
WED 12.1 Music and Movement
THU 13.1 Library Visit
FRI 14.1 Puppet Theatre
MAXIEN suunnitelmat viikolle 2 / Maxis’ plans for week 2 :
MON 10.1 Sledding
TUE 11.1 Arts and Crafts
WED 12.1 Music and Movement
THU 13.1 Library Visit
FRI 14.1 Puppet Theatre
VISKAREIDEN suunnitelmat viikolle 2 / Viskaris’ plans for week 2 :
MON 10.1 Sledding
TUE 11.1 Story Dice
WED 12.1 Music and Movement
THU 13.1 Viskari
FRI 14.1 Arts and Crafts
Muuta huomioitavaa/Other important information:
- Puhelinnumeromme: p.050-400 8254 & p.050-462 7943.
- Our phone numbers: p.050-400 8254 & p.050-462 7943.
Mukavaa viikonloppua & Have a nice weekend!
Munkkiniemen Ankkalammen henkilökunta-staff