

MINIS’ last week

This week we had so much fun baking shrove buns and really liked tasting them as well! Music class was fun as always and so were the stories we read and all the free play with our friends. Favourite activity for this week was the gym class we held indoors and our little minis had a blast trying to jump on the pillows, balance on the bench and crawl through the tunnel!

Minis’ next week:

22.2 Leikki- ja kulttuuripäivä / Play and culture day

23.2 Oma muskari / Own music class

24.2 Pulkkailua mikäli sää sallii / Sledding if weather allows

25.2 Retkipäivä  / Trip day

26.2 Satutuokio / Story time

MIDIS AND MAXIS last week:

This week we talked about North America. At the new unit, children with their choice of transport, “travelled” to USA and Canada. we learned some landmarks of the countries, name of the cities and states. Viskari lesson we learned about even and odd numbers. We also crafted a Sombrero, Mexican hat, with a lot of skilful cutting and gluing and creativities. On Thursday we had very good gym section in the new place, “soldier games” and of course trampoline and tunnels obstacle course were much liked as well. On Friday, we had a good playtime outdoors as the weather got milder finally.

Midi-Maxis next week:

22.2 Travel around South America in the new unit

23.2 Muskari and Viskari

24.2 Arts and crafts in the new unit

25.2 P.E.

26.2 Park day