

Kulosaaren Ankkalampi – Duckies                                                 16.8.-20.8.2021

Viikkokirje 33



Viikko alkoi uusiin mineihin tutustumalla, uudet mini-ankat onkin sopeutuneet joukkoomme hyvin.  Tiistaina piirsimme omat kuvat seinää koristamaan, niistä tulikin tosi kivat. Olemme myös lukeneet satuja, rakentaneet palikoista sekä legoista torneja, tehneet hienon junaradan. Temppuilimme myös temppuradalla mm. kierimme, ryömimme, hypimme, tasapainoiltiin sekä teimme kuperkeikkoja. Paljon on myös leikitty kuraleikkejä viikon aikana.




A week of sun and rain and all the things in between. Raingear got tested and all works perfectly! Monday started with our usual outdoor PE where we warmed up those wiggly bodies and then put them to work. We imitated animals way of walking, jumping and hopping. We had crabs walking feet first, frogs jumping and cows strolling. Tuesday was time for a trip and this time we visited Risto Rutin`s park. There´s an awesome climbing structure there where maxis practised their hand and leg coordination. Wednesday was Story Day and this time we read a book called: I Am Enough! We discussed how we all are different: some with blond hair, some with dark skin. How sometimes we get along and sometimes we disagree. But that´s alright as long as we are kind and friendly to each other. The way we are is perfectly enough. Thursday was Kristel´s music lesson, where we danced and sang to Hokey Pokey, closed our eyes to classical music and tried to imagine along the music. Some kids saw bright colors, some a sunny day. We ended our lesson with keeping a rhythm with instruments to a song. Friday was time for arts and crafts where we prepared friendship bracelets to our friends. Everyone got to choose a friend they´d like to prepare the bracelet to and give it to them with all the love and affection. Last week´s theme was “I”, therefore the auto portraits that you can find at the entrance. This week the theme was “you” – preparing a bracelet to You, my friend.

New adventures in new week, have a great weekend!



23.08    Ma/ Mon – Play Day/ Leikkipäivä

24.08  Ti/ Tue – Arts & Crafts/ Askartelu

25.08  Ke/ Wed – Satutuokio / Story time

26.08  To/ Thu – Muskari / Music lesson

27.08  Pe/ Fri – P.E./ Liikunta




23.08    Ma/ Monday – PE

24.08  Ti/ Tue – Trip Day (we are leaving at 9:30)

25.08  Ke/ Wed – Story Day

26.08  To/ Thu – Paula´s Muskari

27.08  Pe/ Fri – Arts and Crafts



Viikko-ohjelma voi muuttua tarvittaessa. Weekly schedule can change if needed.

Terveisin / Greetings, Kulosaaren Ankkatiimi- Duckies Team, Puh./Phone: 050- 566 8049

Oy Ankkalampi – Ankdammen Ab – kaupungin parasta varhaiskasvatusta & päiväh oitoa